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Music for horse travel


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imagine ride of the valkerys everytime you got on your dragon lol


nice idea :D


I finished the riding soundtrack!


BUT starting the soundtrack for dragon riding is not as easy as i thought. mounting a dragon seems not to be the same as activating a dragon (with horses this is the case). i tried to use the mounting animation as a trigger instead of the activation event but the game ignores it. i'm working on it. If i dont't figure it out in the next days i will release the riding soundtrack for horses only and add dragon riding soundtrack in a next version.

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i didn't like the epic music while riding at normal speed, so i changed the starting of the soundtrack to sprinting. now it doesn't start every time i get on my horse. the soundtrack then plays on even if i slow down for a few seconds (to cut corners for example). when i dismount it fades out. If i don't sprint for longer time it fades back to normal speed soundtrack.


i put the current version to a test now with my trusty steed Kjald (from expanded towns and cities i think). I also use convenient horses where i put the stamina up to infinite (i don't use fast travel).


Please let me know what you think about when which soundtrack should start and stop.

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maby im being too fussy but is it possible to have both options of sprinting and non sprinting when installing the mod? .. i myself don't fast travel nor do i use sprint , i have convineant horses mod but never sprinted .. dunno why lol .. maby im just a sucker for punishment or maby i just enjoy my journey trips .. anyway your the one making it happen so i guess its up to you but if your asking what i want for myself i guess id say music for normal horse riding (unless i got your last sentence on your message muddled up

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Unfortunately I'm not able to bind the soundtrack on any horse. i tested the mod with my follower with horse and a hunter on horse nearby. sometimes it worked for my horse, sometimes it worked on the hunters horse, sometimes it worked on no horse (or the one of my follower which i can not ride). i assume the game gets a random horse nearby and puts it into the alias. the alias had the condition "GetIsRace HorseRace == 1", so it should have worked for all horses.


Now i changed it to the condition "GetIsFaction PlayerHorseFaction == 1", so the Player Horse has the trigger.

i really want to make it available for all horses so that's not the final version but for now i'm pretty satisfied with the result.


the soundtrack changes when sprinting and changes back when running.


i was not able to test it while actually playing the game because i had to figure out why it wasn't working correctly. On thursday i will give it another try and if everything works fine i will release the mod on friday.

I hope i will get some feedback and some ideas for future additions.


@damo: the soundtrack will have 2 different states with 2 different playlists: walking/running and sprinting. if you put your music files in the walking/running playlist you'll have your travel music. if you leave the sprinting playlist empty you will have no special music while sprinting.

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Sorry guys, i can't upload the mod today. it's not ready yet. i broke my car yesterday evening before i came home and had to manage some things because of that. i won't have much time this weekend either and i will continue my mod on monday. Hope i get it ready next week

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