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Materials And Textures Not Loading Properly


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Back in Early Access I started work on mod designed to replace the stock weapon models with more realistic designs. I also wanted to bring some of the named weapons from the first two games in as well.

I'm not particularly ready or in a place to resume work on the full mod, but I at least wanted to get Varscona (my favorite sword in the franchise) into the game. I had it all working in EA, but I'm running into issues getting it to work in the full version.

The model itself loads into the game, but it's not applying the material:


All I get is this generic grid pattern. So far I've:

  • Made sure to match caps between the file names and in the various LSF files.

  • Tried the file extension for the images as both DDS and dds (at least one person has said it should be caps, but every other mod I've checked is lower case).

  • Resaved the texture files to make sure they had the correct compression.

  • Tried adjusting the dimensions of the textures and made sure they were specified correctly in the LSF file.

  • Checked and rechecked to make sure that all the file paths and file names are correct in the LSF file.

  • Rechecked the UUIDs to make sure they all matched up correctly (they should have in the first place, because I'm working from the original files from EA, and the materials worked there).

  • Generated NEW UUIDs.

  • Copied the material settings from another mod and updated the file paths, names, and UUIDs to the ones I generated for my specific textures.

I've tried Larian's Discord channel but haven't gotten any sort of response, other than the thing about caps in the file extensions (which I had already checked). Does anyone have any ideas?


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