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Buildable, customizable android companions.


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ARC - Assembled Robotic Companions gave me this idea.


Since it is possible to build a robot companion at a workbench, why not a "human" companion, that can be customized with various upgrades and such after being built?


First and most important, can NPCs be given something akin to perks, like having their max HP, crit rate, damage, resistances, etc. increased without altering the equipment they are using?


Second, is it possible to edit an NPC's appearance in-game? If not with the full showracemenu editor, than at least with dialogue options that allow you to choose from the preset gender, races, faces, hair colors and styles they give you in that editor?


Third, can you change an NPC's voice? This isn't too important, as long as there is one generic voice per gender that changes when you change gender, assuming gender switching is possible.


Fourth, can you change an NPC's name? This is also a novelty, I wouldn't really care if the name stayed as "My Android" or something if I could do the cooler things with it.


This is the basic framework of the idea, we can get into more details such as how to build these things if someone can confirm that even the most important parts can actually be done.

I might even be inclined to learn how to mod myself if you don't crush my dreams. :P


Actually, I wouldn't even mind if it was limited to 1 preset companion per gender as long as I can have a buildable companion that can use some weapons and armor I find. That shouldn't be hard at all considering we have ARC already.

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