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10mm carbine that--has--to work with vanilla pistols


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I need a mod that will only add components that the default 10mm weapon can then use to make a carbine, longer barrel, stock grip & drum magazine, and it's--primordial--for suggestions to both

  1. work on vanilla 10mm pistols already acquired and that

  2. if the gamesave using the suggestion is loaded with no mod enabled that the customized 10mm pistols be usable by not loading a mod again; the 10mm pistol that was modified doesn't need to be usable right away, it could be that the player has to modify it with a vanilla weapons workbench, or using a command, as long as no mod is needed.


I've seen 10mm carbine mods but they make new weapons, which I'm not interested in.


Thank you kindly for your help


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