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Bow, every game should have a bow and arrow


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Like the title says i would like to see some mods that bring a futuristic Bow and arrow to the game. I know that there are alot of mods from Fallout 4 that bring the Predator bow and arrow from Crysis into the game..


Please my inner stealth archer is begging


Your my last hope

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  • 10 months later...
  On 8/30/2023 at 11:53 AM, Millerbret0 said:



Like the title says i would like to see some mods that bring a futuristic Bow and arrow to the game. I know that there are alot of mods from Fallout 4 that bring the Predator bow and arrow from Crysis into the game..


Please my inner stealth archer is begging


Your my last hope


Been thinking about this a bit in particular for when starfield has proper vr support. I guess nail guns etc are basically crossbows already.

Like what could the next iteration of spellsiphon or mage vr do? What absurd variations could there be between tech and starborn powers?

Arrow/Bolt: elemental, homing, charging, explosive, rapid, multi, airstrike flare, creature lure, phasing, teleporting, etc.

Weapons: bows, crossbows, slings, slingshots, throwables, mini catapults, mini trebuchets, etc.

On the alien end of things, might be interesting to have a phasing projectile  type that only hits in proper draw distance, but can phase through everything in between. Or one that teleports or swaps characters.


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  • 2 months later...

One of the things the game is missing IMO is a satisfying projectile weapon. Clicking on heads is fun, but it's not the same as adjusting for distance, leading the target to account for motion, timing the release, and then landing a perfect headshot.

But I think we have most of the tools to make it happen. You can currently hack together a passable "bow" gun.

  1. Start with a 2-handed ballistic weapon.
  2. Have it shoot a copy of the Auto Rivet projectile. Maybe at double the speed because that's still a bit slow
  3. Possibly change projectile type to Arrow (from Missile)? I haven't noticed a huge difference
  4. Change projectile's gravity affect down a bit to make it float a bit more. It's 1 by default in Starfield. The Fallout 4 bow mod used .35
  5. Ammo size is 1
  6. Bolt action (I think this does some things with the animations that basically covers the same time window that drawing another arrow would)
  7. Charged shots (~0.3-0.6s) with a minimum charge of 0.3

After that, tweak all the accuracy/projectile/power numbers and anim speeds until it feels right.

Optionally: put together a nice circular pin ironsight for it to help with judging distance on shots.

I did this with the Auto Rivet and it was going great. Felt very bow-like, but then I tweaked it too much and screwed it all up and can't get it to shoot straight. Might try again some time and publish if there's interest

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