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Creation Kit, Fallout4, seeing NavMeshGenCell in FO4Edit


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This question is about something I see in FO4Edit.
It shows an edit:
Cell -> Block 7 -> Sub-Block 3 -> 00000025 NavMeshGenCell -> Temporary -> 0200B731 Navigation Mesh

My mods do not have Cell edits. I'm only adding workshop items that need navmeshes (floor pieces).

I have seen this in FO4Edit before and assumed it was indicative of how Navmeshes just appear. That perhaps it uses that temporary cell to store the navmesh info. However I am currently working on another mod, and the short summary is based on what I am seeing (counts and names don't match up) I am wondering if this is actually a bad thing. Like it is showing a navmesh that was not properly finalized or was corrupted when CK crashed - which has been often.
I'll make a copy of my ESP and then delete this entry in FO4Edit and see what happens, but this particular mod has dozens of navmeshed items so I might miss something.
I wanted to ask the community about it.

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when generating navmesh in CK for an object it takes you to a virtual location ( navmesh cell)...

Navmesh data is tied to the object not the cell .

In any logical sense removing the entry should not effect anything (it even says temporary)...

Leaving it wont cause issues either...since its basically a empty cell with no data and players dont have access to it.

In any case backup the ESP before doing anything.

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