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Creating large world spaces


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Hello all,


I've started developing a mod in which I'd like to have a large world space. I'm aware that when your character moves beyond the 4096x4096, size, you start having problems with the game.

I'm planning on having all of the playable space within x and y 64, but I'd like the scenery to extend out to twice that size, so that I can later come back and add seperate worldspaces around my main world space.


I've been using the following guide to get started:


I've got a functional worldspace within 16 square quandrants, but I'd like my height map to be an 8x8 instead of an 4x4, as I said earlier.


Now, using TESAnnwyn (if that's still the standard tool) you'd normally use this line when importing your heightmap:
TESAnnwyn.exe -i Skyrim -p 1 -b 16 -d 4096x4096 -x -64 -y -64 -h -22192 -w NameOfWorldspace YourImage.raw


Obviously you'd change -d to 8192x8192, but does that mean that I'd need to extend the -x and -y to -128?


Following that, I'd need to set up the version control for creation kit, as the guide states, and convert the esp to an esm file, as it says?

The guide tends to lose me a little at times, so I figured I'd ask to see if anyone had any advice, or if there's a superior way to go about doing this. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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I'm writing a full tutorial on this at this very moment...should be complete by the weekend. In the meantime, you might want to download L3DT (Google it) and get the fully functional Professional Edition.


They give you a 90 day (3month) trial.


Another point, the Havok bug only affects the x coordinates (left to right). The y coordinates are fine, so you could have have a world that say 126 (leave 1 cell both sides) on the x axis, but can be 512 on the y axis.


Probable an exageration because you'ld want 1 quad for water (sea) LOD at the top and bottom.


I'll post back when the tut is up and running.

Edited by Tamb0
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I created a large world space for oblivion which unfortunately was never released :( However I learnt a few lessons that I might be able to pass on :).

1. Make lots of backups and then backup your backups, these sorts of mods can become corrupted or broken very easily, and I can guarantee that you will end up having to fall back to one of your backups at least once :\

2. Have some practice with the region generator before you use it for your mod (It can take a lot of practice to perfect it)

3. Don't bite of more than you can chew, When I started my Total conversion mod I was so convinced that I would be able to finish it.... I soon found out that real life gets in the way quite a lot :P. So make sure you split the project up into manageable pieces :) And get some sort of pre-alpha release out as soon as you can :). Once you get the community involved, it really sets the ball rolling.


Good luck and happy modding :)


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