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Mod Idea - Iron Throne Timer


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Good morning folks!


One of the toughest missions in Baldur's Gate 3 is the Iron Throne quest, namely for its brutal timer. I've successfully freed most of the people on two play throughs, but not without much frustrating trial and error, tons of misty steps and dimension doors and hastes, clever use of fire, etc. Even so, it's a real pain. And I then don't have any time to explore for loot. So, here's the idea. Could someone either:


A. Remove the timer (or)

B. Lengthen the timer to a greater number of turns.


I realize A would probably be harder, as then the quest would never end. Still, a greater number of turns would prove beneficial for some exploration. An infinite number of turns with another way to trigger the end of the quest would be even better. I wouldn't know how to do any of these things, as I can't mod. Still, I'm sure many people would appreciate something like this, myself included. I've already paid my dues, doing it properly on two playthroughs. I'd love to actually be able to leisurely explore the place on another play, someday.


Thank you for your time!




Rook Congress

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I just got to this part of the game and I hate it. I went on Google to find a mod like this but I couldn't find one. The only thing I could find is, well, this thread.


Did anyone ever find or create such a mod?

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