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Map Mod: Every POI/dungeon on Worldmap (like Skyrim, Oblivion, ...)


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Hello there!

Something that really astonished me and also a little bit frustrates me is that unlike all the later games, in Morrowind I realize that not all POI's aka Dungeons/Caves/Ruins/whatever are having their own location on the map. Some are simply invisible on the map, even though being large indoor areas to explore. Of course in Oblivion and later you get a landmark for every single place you discover. So you will always know that there is something.


In Morrowind if I dont enter that dungeon and complete it, I will have no idea later, that there was something at this spot, as the map just says *Bitter Coast* or whatever.


So is there a mod out there that will add Landmarks on the Worldmap to all of these forgotten places? I can't find any reasonable idea why the developers just added Landmarks to a few of the POI's. The Worldmap would look much more filled with life if they actually added everything ...


THX for any insights!

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Upon reflect this does not astonish me. It appears that map markers (if I may be excused for applying that term to Morrowind) are associated with named world cells, such as settlements, citadels within the Ghostfence and other specific quest destinations. To create the mod you describe all cells that contain a POI (point of interest?) would need to be renamed with the name of the cavern or ancestral tomb located in that cell. As a modder, I'm horrorstruck by the idea that the official cell names that I've come to depend upon as eternal could change and foil my carefully crafted plans. Moreover, if more than one POI is located in the same external cell only one of them could be represented on the world map.


World map locations are identified by script or when visited. They do not indicate that the location has been cleared. Seyda Neen is marked on my world map long before I have murdered everyone in the town and taken all their possessions. As Che Guevara pointed out there are existing ways of indicating on the player's map that a location has be explored, although these can be created/read only on the local map. Other clever approaches players use is to drop an item in front of the entrance or use Chalk™ to mark an 'X' on the door. Of course, one can always write the name of the location on a piece of paper.

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For me this question seems totally reasonable and I wonder why the game is designed that way.


Obviously in Oblivion or Skyrim you would think it's weird if they place 100 dungeons on the map and then simply set the landmark on your map for just 50. Like what is the reason? The only consequence is that you either dont find your location or forget it if you have found it anytime in the past.


I can understand it is now difficoult to "solve" this problem due to the game architecture. But the much bigger question to me is, why did Bethesda design it that stupid. It just makes 0 sense.

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some more context


there are cell names and region names.


for seyda neen, there are 2 celles named "seyda neen" those 2 cells are in the region "Bitter Coast Region" that's why they get marked on the world map as "seyda neen"


if your cell is named the same as the region, it won't show up on the world map.

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Yes Yes but the next games were also organized in cells.


So its no technical consequence that the developers in THIS game just randomly kept some cell names blank.


Oblivion is also organized in Cells, but they decided to inform us players on the map about EVERY location and not just like 40 % or 60 %.

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there were no FPS with regenerating health at some point. just like there were RPG with no map markers or quest markers at some point.


stuff advances or regresses depending on your point of view


oblivion gained map markers but lost way descriptions in NPC dialog

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