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Flyable Vertibird


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Why hasn't someone used the same scripts as Akatosh mount to make an actual pilotable Vertibird? It seems an obvious thing to do, there are working motorcycles. I'm not saying 'MAKE MEH THIS MOD NAO', I'm just wondering why someone's not made it. It seems an obvious thing to do, after we've seen that it is clearly possible...
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  • 3 weeks later...

You can use a vertibird to fast travel around using Enclave Commmander and there are other mods that let you use it as a home.http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4272

One of these is:

But reasons why not to make it would be the fact that the sky is laregly unpopulated by any thing but clouds so I doubt it has been properly made by Bethesda and you could end up flying from cell to cell by accident or just disappearing and the clipping issues would be a problema s everyone would end up getting their own vertibird halway in a wall so when they came out of it they would be stuck.

But if you want to make it then go ahead :P

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There's an invisible ceiling, too.
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