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FNIS failed to run


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Keeps saying failed to run, I've reinstalled and added it as a tool to Vortex, but keeps failing, I'm thinking this is why my saves are becoming corrupted possibly. Any work arounds?

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Check the information for the FNIS tool in Vortex by clicking on the 3-dot 'hamburger' menu. It should be pointing to the "Generate FNIS for Users.exe" like this:


( G:\Programs\Bethesda\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exe ) - my Skyrim is on a separate drive, so the G:\Programs should be replaced by where you have Skyrim installed. The FNIS for users is installed when you install the FNIS Behavior SE 7_6. The optional files below that do not have it, they need the base behavior mod to be installed.


Check the 'Configure FNIS' in the top bar when in the 'Mods' tab - I have only the top 4 choices selected, I think that all of the others are mods for Skyrim LE, and a few that were ported to SE a long time ago...


Make sure that you have the setting on that tells Vortex to "Run FNIS on Deployment Event" - found on the 'Interface' tab when in Settings. If you are trying to run it by directly clicking on the Generate FNISforUsers.exe, that means that you are bypassing the tool as set in Vortex.

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