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New beginning for Fallout 3, any ideas for a beginner ?


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Hello fellow modders and players I just want to ask what is the good mod to use for replaying fallout 3? Actually I just the game and finally buy the game of the year version where all dlc in it last holiday Christmass at Steam sale. After finishing the game I feel like starting over again but with mods this time. Right now im following the guide of Gopher in youtube for the new mods, but I feel its not enough.


So any suggestion for non-adult and adult mods?

also for the enb , I never touch that mods yet because I have no idea what to install its so many and also for the adult version mods my character always so plain so I want to install a sexy or better body conversion for it yet i always fail on that department it always crash, so any suggestion from you guys will be helpful, Thankl you :smile:

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Mod recommendations (and threads thereof) is something this forum has plenty of. Look around. There are several things you really should install before loading up on mods (eg. FOMM, FOSE, FO3edit, etc.) - again, look around the threads.


For female body types there are several, but Type 3 and its ilk are the most popular and best supported.


For exploration (if that is your thing) DCInteriors is one especially good mod to have.


Much depends on what you want more of from the game, and/or what you think should be changed or improved.

Edited by 7thsealord
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OK. Gopher covers quite a bit so I will stick to stuff he hasn't covered.


Btw, i know that he initially recommended Fellout, but then started using Project Reality. I have tried them both, and to me Fellout looks much better. I would recommend getting the brighter nights option. It is still dark at night, but you can at least see a few feet around you.


I love companions so i have a lot of companion Mods. For my main companion mod I use Phalanx. I have had it for a while and forget all the reasons why i selected it over the other mods I tried, but I can have a many Companions all following me at once. i think the limit might be 12, but i think the most that i have had at any one time is 6


My favorite individual companion mods are: Amy Wong, Brisa, Jessie, Kelsey, Lucy West, and Sydney. Runners up are Brianna and Bittercup, though Bittercup is a love hate kind of character. I do not play evil, but if you do, i understand that the Clover companion mod is very good. Several of them come with their own weapons that have, or can be upgraded to unlimited ammo, which saves you hassle in having to constantly resupply them. You can give Amy equipment to sell for you and send her off on a trade run whenever you want. You can also ask her to purchase items for you like meds and ammo. I can't tell you how handy that is, especially early in the game. Brisa is probably the most unique of the companions as she levels up with you and you place her skill points wherever you want. You can focus on specific combat skills or give her support skills.


There is also a new mod I just started using that gives you a sister, Amanda. It is nice because they actually integrated her into the entire intro so she is there through all the stages in your early vault life, and when you make your escape. As a follower she is about as basic as they come, but it is a quest mod, so she has purpose beyond her skills as a companion. She is also fully voice acted, as good as any in the retail game. The mod is called "Ties that bind".


Body replacers will rely on your preferences. Type 3 is the most common, though there are several different body types within that. You might want to check out the Dimonized stuff by dimon99. Make sure to get restyled armors to fit the new body type. I used dimon99's Alice body style for my main character using the "Play as Alice" mod, as she has a more petite build that I like. unfortunately, there are only a couple of clothing mods designed specifically for her. Other type 3 clothing/armor works on her, but it changes her body type to whatever type as used to design the clothing.


If you like really skinny women, you might want to take a look at the Skinny-6 body replacer. And then install the Skinnywear store. There are a ton of clothing options, and they are all done in pieces so that you can mix and match all the clothing pieces. A lot of work went into that, and it shows.


Minihideout mod gives you a small underground home right there in Springvale that you can access right after leaving the vault. It is small but it has everything you need including a work bench, cola cooling machine, a water purifier, a med center, and a hot tub....plus a good number of storage containers.


I'm sure I am forgetting some, but those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head, that Gopher did not already cover.

Edited by Kiern
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If you want more to explore Dc interiors is the gold standard - and a loooong time top ten must have mod.


If you want great difficulty and harsh survivalist challenge requiring eating and drinking water controlling diseases and planning your fights carefully choose Arwen's realism tweaks - warning only recommended for skilled gamers cuz it's something of a survival simulator and very brutal maybe to the not fun point. But I love it and it changes the entire feel of the game by making you vulnerable.


Most armors when you wear them will require type 3 textures to be installed to work properly but most of the 'type 3, 3f, 3m, v, and 6' bodies and armors use the same textures so you have to install type 3 to use any of these armors.


If you want more monsters and different enemy types install Marts Mutant Mod - but this will make the game a little more difficult so build your character carefully.


If you want a science based character try Robco certifed so you can build powerful robots to fight alongside you and make them carry stuff. Mods like these can be loaded with Marts Mutant Mod to hellp you if it is too difficult.


If you want to use power armor try Powered Power armor which makes you very powerful like being able to run faster jump higher and hit harder when weraing power armor.


If you like energy weapons install EVE - highly recommended!




For you to begin with I would just recommend load:


1. Marts Mutant Mod


2. Sharing and Caring Companions


3. Weapon Mod Kits


- and see how you like it!

Edited by CowPocalypseNow
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