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[SSE] Line of Sight Teleport lesser power.


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Looking for someone to make a simple teleportation spell mod for Skyrim SE which is a lesser power that works on a line of sight basis (essentially just wherever the player is looking), and it teleports them to that position. The effects for teleportation will be the same as the one Orchendor and some other NPCs in the game use (also Sigdis Gauldurson), which basically is the purple summoning shimmer effect. I want the player to disappear with the effects, making them unable to be hit during the teleportation, a slight pause-delay, and then they re-appear at the aimed at coordinates. A timer could be added in theory, OR the teleport effect could be left behind even after the player has teleported. My skyrim version is 1.5.97 and I use vortex mod manager.
ALSO if you want to be paid and compensated for your efforts, please notify me and we can work something out I'm sure. Thank you!

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