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Morrowind scripting for dumb dummies?


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I had downloaded and in the introduction it sais that it (morrowind scripting for dummmies) said that it was not for starter scripters that new 0 at anything that resembles scripting, I was wondering if there is one for dumb dummies in the ways of scripting.



does anybody know about anyhthing that could get me started.





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tutorials on procedural programing


all you need...


but i disagree scripting for dumbies is straight forward enough to get you going just run through some trial and error :)

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well certainly having some kind of computer programming background is going to help, and having basic algebra skills helps as you use a lot of variables. There was a study a long time ago that determined that on average people with good english and grammer skills picked up on programming actually better than people good in math. Doesn't make any sense to me but thats what the study said. But i think anyone determined to figure something out will have it down in no time, just start out small doing simple scripts until you get the syntax down and work your way up to the ground breaking stuff. I'm just saying it's not that hard it just takes patience and determination. it's a hell of a lot easier than hexidecimal assembly code on a commodore 64 that's for sure. I'm getting old i'm starting the 'back in my day' crap.

We just had a blank screen and a flashing cursor and punched in numbers, there was no internet we had to buy a book, we had 300 baud modems that you could type faster than they recieved and we were grateful. We had to wait 30 minutes just to play frogger and we were grateful. LOL

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don't forget beachhead man that was a classic.


Anyway from someone who hadn't written a computer program in about 8 years I just started writing scripts for Morrowind. I used scripting for dummies, I reccommend doing the tutorial, it goes over a lot of the important stuff. oyou have done that you can start writing your own stuff using the index to help you with function and what not. I haven't written anything all that great but they got the job done. Just takes practice.

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the tutorial has been a great help for me, I have done some simple ( and I mean really simple ) scripts and fixed a problem with some of the mods I have on my game( compaions for one) but I have not tried anything big so what I am getting at is keep at it . trial and error is always a great teacher ( even thou it is one of the more frustrating ones lol). About the only thing I have not figured out is how to add new cells grrr. But I'll keep at it and figure it out soon. So good luck to you in your quest in makeing the greatest mod :D
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