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weiner party


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Just been watching season 17 of south park and saw their parody of the game of thrones intro (weiner party).

thought it might be a funny audio replacement for the main title screen or even the end battle of the main story whilst fighting with Alduin.

depending on who you side with in the war for skyrim you could have the music playing when you go to the Enemy HQ eg: A bunch of bards singing it as you walk into the hall of kings as you go to see Ulfric or alternatively in the castle dour as you go to visit general tullious.


Im not skilled in the art of modding in any way but i greatly enjoy seeing what the community comes up with in regards to mods, plenty of great talent around.

Surely someone out there may find this to be an amusing project, could be a laugh.






Here is the link to the clip



And..here is the game of thrones intro with the weiner party audio. honestly i cant hear the difference from the original :wink:


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