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[REQUEST] Realistic/immersive/hardcore mod list


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hello, it's always hard to find hardcore mods that make life more difficult, i will write here some idea of ​​mods for hardcore lovers


-more weapon sway


-more effect and malus when receiving damage


- more realistic detection


-enemy puts more cover


-lower your weapon


-realistic damage


- transport weight and life modify


-lose health slowly over time (eating and drinking take on meaning, a mod while waiting for survival mode)


-helmet overlay


- having to pay a salary to the employee on a weekly basis


-largest percentage of money to the parent


-more expensive mortgage and house


- more expensive ship and maintenance


-when using an object, healing, eating, changing equipment, a time of 15-30 seconds where you can no longer move


for now that's all, don't know if it's the kind of mod that could be done in the future, that's what I would like for the game. THANKS

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