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Blacksmiths improve enchanters enchant


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So for a long time I was thinking about posting this and here it is:


I think it should have been included in the vanilla game, I think there should be a mod that makes it so you can go to a towns blacksmith and ask him to improve your weapons and armor, for a fair price of course and the level of the improvement is different for each blacksmith.


Say you asked the guy on the big forge near the companions (forgot the name of that guy and the place lol) and he will improve it to master because his the best and also the price should be higher because of he's skill.


Also, just like blacksmiths, enchanters or court-wizards should be able to enchant your weapons and armor and you choose the enchantment, if he knows it hell do it if e doesn't he won't, but you could give him an enchanted item that has the enchantment you want and he will use that to enchant what ever you want.

Also like the blacksmith the better the skill the higher the price.



Please respond your opinion and suggest ideas if you have any.

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