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Transparent ENB Water Bug (No Watercolor)

Guest deleted116638948

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Guest deleted116638948

Hello, i have installed realistic water two with Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix - Realistic Water Two Patch at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)


as i'm using ENB, some water foam areas are too bright at night without this mod, when using RW2.

When using re-engaged or nvt enb, my water is fully transparent/without watercolor which wasn't the case a few years ago, when i last played a modded skyrim.


Changing stuff in enberseries.ini, skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini has no effect regarding this.

For example i have played around with Ambient Occlusion, Anti Aliasing and Anisotropic Filter after i had searched google for "skyrim enb transparent water".


Deinstalling ENB or simply deactivating ENB water ingame or in the enbseries.ini, solves the problem.

Installating Mods that change the watercolor, for example Skyland Watercolor, has no effect as soon as ENB water is activated.

Deactivating RW2 or even all mods, doesn't solve the problem. Then i got transparent vanilla water, instead of transparent RW2 water.


How can i achieve to get Watercolor working together with nvt enb? It worked in the past.


Here a screenshot of the transparent ENB water with NVT ENB:



And here with Silent Horizons ENB Water:



Same Mods installed...



Installing Silent Horizons ENB gives me back watercolor while ENB water is active. I really have no clue what is going on here.

Anyone knows?

Edited by reg1st3r
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