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THE texture mod question


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Actually i'm using several texture packs. Simply because i assume that each of them covers something the other ones don't.

I just want to know which pack has the best (most detailed or realistic) textures and covers everything - meaning: roads, caves, interior, exterior, houses, buildings etc..

Looking at my nmm i'm using:

1) aMidianBorn caves and mines, farmhouses, landscapes and whitrun (all 2k)

2) HD Detailed Terain

3) High Definition Ivy

4) Natural grass texture floor

5) Ruins Clutter Improved

6) Skyrim HD 2k textures

7) Solstheim texture and furniture

8) Tamriel reloaded

9) Vivid landscapes - cliffs and creeks, dungeons and ruins, tundra moss and vulcanic area (all 2k)

I believe that's simply too much. Or it's nonsense. Maybe.

What do you think? What should be deinstalled?

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Yeah. That's exactly what i was thinking too. At least until i read somewhere that it does matter (in fact) how much texture mods you've installed.

I also admit that having redundant mods is somewhat useless.


Therefore: what's the "best" texture mod or (looking at my nmm list) what should be de-installed?

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Well, it matters if you're installing heaps upon heaps of high-res (2K+, especially for exteriors) ones since they do a lot to push you towards the 3.1gb memory limit. When it comes to texture artists a lot of them simply go for pure overkill a lot of the time. Not every single texture and its companion normal map needs to be in 4K resolution with little to no compression.

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I agree with you. Of course it is a question of personal taste wether you choose this mod or that mod but i simply lost focus on which mod covers all. Or at least most of my mentioned aspects (see first post).

So that i may only need two mods to cover everything. Looking at all those 2k+ texture mods i must say that they all look great and i really can't see any substantial difference.

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I got a GTX 780 and a i7 860 @3,2 constantly (8 GB Ram and game installed on a ssd). System is sufficient. At least i think.....

It doesn't really have anything to do with your system specs after you've installed a good amount of high res textures, it's more based on the limitations of the game engine.

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Well once your VRAM caps from textures, the game will load the textures with your RAM, but only to 3.1gb before crashing. With your current video card I would say you're ok right now and you could load up more texture mods. I would use the Skyrim Performance Monitor to know your VRAM and RAM usage and avoid crashing/stutter.
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