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(Mod Request) Better Alchemy UI Item Crafting Info


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Hello! I know this is probably an underused feature by most people but I hope it gets some love.


As of now the alchemy UI is not very good as you can't actually see the effects of the potions/coating/elixir that you are crafting.


Current UI



Tooltip in Inventory of the same potion



A mod that shows the actual tooltips instead of just flavour text of the potions/coating/elixir like in the inventory would be much appreciated. Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for raising this topic. Whilst the potion/oil/elixir/grenade effect info would be VERY useful, it would be EVEN BETTER to have ACTUAL control of which salts, ashes, suspensions, etc are used to make any given item, so you don't consume rarer ones that are needed as unique, principle ingredients for other specific, typically more potent items. At present the only way to manage this is to put the ingredients you want to not use, outside the inventory of the party doing the alchemy activity e.g. on the ground or in the Camp chest. This is REALLY tedious. Changing the UI to allow you to place both ingredients for any given item allows you to make the most of precious (and rarer) resources.


Perhaps UmbralJewels (https://www.nexusmods.com/users/161937598) and his/her/their like-minded crafty modders can put something together?

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