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honest opinions


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theres no beating around the bush, the game needs a couple of months and some patches for it to get to where we need it to be, but right now its not even worth the hype, its basically just cyberpunk in outer space, and who ever is playing the game right now is just free beta testers, year the story line is good but thats all, theres no wow factor we havent really seen from cyberpunk or star wars games, it plays like fallout but without really being able to customise to be individual gameplay experiance, the modding community really picked up fast but it still needs a couple of months. i dnt get our up and coming game developers can utilise ground breaking gameplay mechanics but with 32bit pixels and we have to accept this post gta5 gameplay with average game textures, feel kinda depressed that i had to buy this demo standard game knowing damn well i have to go through the process of modding it to be enjoyable, buying dlcs again when they come out, updating patches and all this effort, i feel like at this point nexus should become its own development company and employee these modders to work remotely on fixing these games or just commission modders not from the players pockets but from the companies because f*#@ modding these games takes sooooo much time. im at that point where im giving up on gaming but its my only solace from reality, so its a big bummer playing average games i havent played already

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You seem to want people to go to the trouble of reading your thoughts, so perhaps you could do potential readers the courtesy of using standard punctuation. Most people will not even attempt to read a block of text without capital letters and proper sentence endings, and would prefer paragraphs as well. Also people who do not read 'properly' and sound everything out in their head (modern teaching methods force this on most pupils) struggle even harder with un-formatted text.


Many proper published authors use 'stream of consciousness' writing, but they or their editors correct the text before publication. They want and need an audience to want to read what they write.


Anyway as to your thoughts, few would disagree as to the state and (lack of) ambition of Starfield. It is a literal disgrace, but this cannot change while Todd and his little circle of mates run the show. But gaming in general is in a wonderful state and NO-ONE forces you to play dodgy AAA games from publishers with a terrible recent reputation for pandering at the cost of quality and innovation. Steam is awash with amazing work from tiny dedicated teams. Yeah, none of them make games like Starfield or Skyrim, but many of their open world survival games are brilliant even in solo mode.


Starfield will benefit from modding more than any previous Beth game simply because Starfield is so pitiful in its release state. Almost nothing is done well- yet most of the low-hanging fruit fixes would take a good modder with the right tools mere days to do. And the scope for adding narrative content is vast- better if it turns out modders can create city scale environments (which may not be so- it wasn't really possible with earlier Beth games).


We hoped for the best with Starfield, and pretty much got the worst, outside of better than Fallout 4 performance and voice work. Early leaked GTA6 stuff, and Rocksteady's dreadful post Batman game footage prove that once reliable teams are going the same way as Bethesda/Zenimax, and when one understands current recruitment and management policies, one cannot be surprised. The real talent has left these developers many years back. Why would a great coder, who unless they take a non-coding management position would be paid less than certain recent hires put into technical management positions despite no ability, continue working for that team? They don't- they move- so Beth has a dev team that literally cannot even do the basics like functional companion scripting.


One either respects engineering or one does not. One cannot treat engineering like the creative arts that give us the voices and costumes, and one cannot recruit on the same principles. Engineers need to be experienced, well-educated, and provable capable of doing the job well.

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uhm welp i usually have to dumb down my narrative in order to make it comprehensible because people dont have time for formalities of basic teachings that proved schooling to be redundant practices of memory and not nurturing innovative knowledgeable individuals and come on no one likes a teachers pet, buut you make a good counter argument, i was just leaving a note for someone coming here whose been lied to from marketing and youtubers praising the game thats so ordinary thinking that some of the mods released can even make up for what its lacking. but thanks for adding on it for whoever wants an honest opinion on this game.

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it's very bethesda.


quests forced upon you just for being within loud sigh distance

wanting to sell the stuff overflowing your pockets is hampered by the vendor delivering their thesis on the city's socio economic problems

the ONE vendor that actually wanted to buy/sell was hampered by my own character demanding more options as 200 weight units of garbage fell from my pockets


the trade authority, an authority on trade, has 11,000 credits of money on hand....a single spacesuit is worth about 9-11,000 credits. the trade authority needs at least one extra zero in it's branch accounts


i got abducted for the high crime of possessing two units of a narcotic by the system authorities whereupon they demanded i go undercover as a space pirate to destroy the space pirates from within. i sensibly refused went to prison for a week and was branded an enemy of the authorities who abducted me and had the quest to join the space pirates forced onto me. i got the drugs by hunting down pirates. my concern was that i'd rather shoot the pirates in the face than the back. typical bethesda "choice" of join the crimson fleet OR join the crimson fleet. obviously i reloaded and ejected the drugs into space so i could hunt the crimson fleet for fun


their writing staff continue to not understand how humans work. in most conversations i'm presented with 3-5 conversation options that have absolutely no appeal to my character at all. what's worse is that in many of those cases only one of the options actually moves the conversation forwards with you being forced to use more than one of them to achieve that goal. more often than not you have to say 2-4 of the zero options you wanted to select from to make any further progress in the conversation. not even leaving the conversation works.


lastly this game is fallout:starfield, it has the same writing, the same comic supervillain megacorporations, the same combat feel, the same companion AI, the same legendary weapon perks, a new lockpick and hacking game. you could argue that there's space now, fallout 3 had space too, space is just a slightly animated fast travel system

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it's very bethesda.


quests forced upon you just for being within loud sigh distance

wanting to sell the stuff overflowing your pockets is hampered by the vendor delivering their thesis on the city's socio economic problems

the ONE vendor that actually wanted to buy/sell was hampered by my own character demanding more options as 200 weight units of garbage fell from my pockets


the trade authority, an authority on trade, has 11,000 credits of money on hand....a single spacesuit is worth about 9-11,000 credits. the trade authority needs at least one extra zero in it's branch accounts


i got abducted for the high crime of possessing two units of a narcotic by the system authorities whereupon they demanded i go undercover as a space pirate to destroy the space pirates from within. i sensibly refused went to prison for a week and was branded an enemy of the authorities who abducted me and had the quest to join the space pirates forced onto me. i got the drugs by hunting down pirates. my concern was that i'd rather shoot the pirates in the face than the back. typical bethesda "choice" of join the crimson fleet OR join the crimson fleet. obviously i reloaded and ejected the drugs into space so i could hunt the crimson fleet for fun


their writing staff continue to not understand how humans work. in most conversations i'm presented with 3-5 conversation options that have absolutely no appeal to my character at all. what's worse is that in many of those cases only one of the options actually moves the conversation forwards with you being forced to use more than one of them to achieve that goal. more often than not you have to say 2-4 of the zero options you wanted to select from to make any further progress in the conversation. not even leaving the conversation works.


lastly this game is fallout:starfield, it has the same writing, the same comic supervillain megacorporations, the same combat feel, the same companion AI, the same legendary weapon perks, a new lockpick and hacking game. you could argue that there's space now, fallout 3 had space too, space is just a slightly animated fast travel system


damn i ddnt even get to some of those points but just from reading that even mass effect as more choice direction, i had a feeling that they were just going to maybe copy fallouts gameplay but then add a few things and suddenly have a new product to make money off, my only hope is that the modding community can turn this around, more alien themed planets instead of same themed fallout style planets, cyberpunk/mass effect capitals, horizon zero dawn type of melee and creatures, halo type story depth, theres so much inspo they could have build on but they just rehashed the game, this is why nexus need to approach these corpo game devs and say look heres our resource of global scale modders that can add and fix on your game, with advertising they can sell dlc's or whatever that beats the base game even

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