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The Fun


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Anyone able to mod in the fun they clearly forgot to make?


You know... Things like:


  • Gun mods that aren't from FO4.
  • Melee mods at all.
  • Melee weapons that go beyond literally 8 different knives/machetes. A sci-fi game with no melee energy weapons? Really?
  • Armor mods that also aren't just copy pasted from FO4.
  • Innovative perks that aren't just old basic game mechanics but now time-gated behind the tree, like sneaking and pickpocketing.
  • Combat AI that isn't copy pasted from FO4. AI that actually uses cover, flanks, uses their boost packs, etc.
  • A combat slide that moves you more than a six inch skid mark.
  • Cargo missions that aren't just fast travel to get your reward.
  • Space combat that isn't just galaga and a DPS race in space, or simply who has longer range.
  • Allow companions to fly your other ships and accompany you in space combat. If the enemy has 5 ships, why can't we at least have an ally?
  • Drugs that go beyond a single drug, which is really just a bad 10 second version of VATS, and that have purpose.
  • Companions that aren't written at high school essay quality writing.
  • Companions that aren't entirely just "good" and complain every time you steal a potato.
  • Companion romance that doesn't let you go from "hey let's date" to "hey we're married now" in two hours of play.
  • A reason for companions to man your ship/outposts with you besides their perks. Once you unlock the perks on your character, it makes each companion utterly pointless to have flying with you or on your outposts.
  • Food and cooking that does more than [heal 5hp/+2% xp for an hour] when you have literally over 800hp at level 35.
  • Ship modules you can actually furnish and decorate, without resetting entirely if you want to open the ship builder.
  • Va'ruun? That third major story faction that literally might as well not exist? Can we get them in game?
  • Some sort of planet land traversal besides the AMP drug and boost packs, so we don't walk through barren nothingness just to scan a tree.
  • Swimming underwater.
  • Fish exist, so fishing would be nice.
  • Wild idea for this one given it's a space game... but robots? They couldn't bother to even give us the FO4 robotics dlc for a space game with Vasco?
  • A favorites menu for planets.
  • A tracking system for materials that says how many mats you still need, and does things like auto-clears once researching is done.
  • A map. Dots and waypoints are not a map.
  • Simplified inventory clutter. I don't need five different animal parts that are all just "Cosmetic" or "Adhesive" taking 5 inventory slots because some are (bone) or (fluid) or whatever.
  • Reading books without picking them up. Eating/drinking without picking items up.
  • Space asteroid mining should give me more than 4 gold for blowing up a rock that is three times larger than my ship.
  • Vendors should have more credits when you reach higher levels to account for the fact that guns have far higher sell values.


I could go on for ages. But the more I write, the sadder I get realizing we waited 10 years and this is what we received...




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