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Starfield FSR Bridge - DLSS or XeSS - I need some help here.


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I have an RTX 3080, with Windows 10 22H2 and 537.13 driver, and the DLSS mod does not work, it crashes my game when I attempt to load my save file. Removing the mod files allows me to start the game, so this is not a coincidence. I have no other mods installed, so there shouldn't be a conflict. I've even tried disabling steam overlay, and also not using MSI afterburner, or other 3rd party programs in the background.


I've tried DLSS 3.5, and also 2.1, both of them crash my game. Additional instructions are required to get this working, thanks.


*Note* - I couldn't post this in the actual topic for the mod for some reason, so I'm asking for help here instead.

Edited by beriallord1234
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It is a hack- a dangerous hack that has caused many people major problems. You should not use DLSS hacks unless you know what you are doing- and no offence but the vast majority of users will not have the tech skills to know what they are doing here.


Or to put it another way, if a relatively simple file replacement doesn't get the DLSS system working, I'd leave it well alone until people come up with a more robust system.


To enlarge on this, the current solution was from a person who used a very dangerous DRM system in his code, and the 'free' version is a hacked version of his low-level protected code. Does any of this sound safe to you?

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Thanks for your opinion, and I wasn't aware of this. If this file is truly as dangerous as you claim, then maybe the ones running the website should pull it?


But I'd still like to know how 1 person got this working with only the instructions provided by the author? Would any of the ones who claim this works without any issues like to tell me what they did to get it working?

Edited by beriallord1234
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After the reent update it crashes on everyone.

Just delete the dlss mod or if u have any nvngx_dlss.dll in ur "Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Starfield\streamline" folder rename it or delete it. and it works. we have to wait for an update of nvngx_dlss.dll. Mine was from Techpowerup
Maybe the "Starfield FSR2 Bridge" needs an update. I dont know.

I've sent the admin an email. Now we have to wait.

EDIT: A person from TechPowerUp responded my e-mail and told me that they are just sharing NVIDIA orignal file. So I wrote a mail to dlss developer at NVIDA. Now we must wait for their response. But u can play with fsr or cas since then. Dont forget to delete also the dlss bridge tool
FSR2Streamline.asi, winmm.dll and winmm.ini from the Starfiled main folder, where the Starfield.exe is.

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