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Werewolf & Vampire Lord Animations - Return to normal


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i've searched extensively for the existence of a mod that has an animation when you revert back to normal from your monster forms. its incredibly immersion breaking to feel the need to stick my thumb in my mouth and make the bubble *pop* sound when going from beast to human in 2 frames.


i've talked about this with my buddies and they argue that an animation like that could kill you if you're still fighting, thats not true. for werewolf i would think that the fear Roar power/shout would be more than enough to work if its strength can work for all life and lasts as long as the de-transformation.


its hard for me to describe things in text but i would see it going something like this.


[werewolf] when your transformation times out, at the beginning of the de transformation where you get the screen flare and sound effect, your werewolf uses a very specific Roar that cannot be used by any other method other than when reverting back to normal (without player activation) that effects all life around it for how ever many seconds the animation takes to get back to normal, this eliminates any chance of being attacked while reverting back and once you're normal the effect wears off on all life and they attack you again.


something similar could be done to vampire lord i would assume.


i don't know anything about modding but i wouldn't think it would be totally impossible to accomplish.

Edited by CapNKirkland
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