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Hair Pack trouble..


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The Type3 body replacer shouldn't have a .esp file it is just a mesh and a texture, so you load those into the data folder and they just work (it loads them enstead of the default Fallout mesh and texture, no esp/esm required) His outfits for it have a .esp file, but it is 100% compatible with my mod


My mod and his Body replacer don't have anything that will mess with the other in any way


have you tried to run each one individualy, because it sounds to me like you have something wrong with your data folder or something


it could also help if you could list the contents or give me a screenshot of you Fallout 3 data folder


but you should try running no mods at all and see if the Type 3 works, if not, then you have the stuff in the wrond folder, then try just my mod running, and see if that works, and if it doesn't then tell me and I will tell you how to fix that

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Ive tried only running TYPE3 mod and it works perfectly, But once I enable your esp it decides to not work Im not sure why.


Here's the screenie you asked for:



Its a thumbnail if this forum doesn't specify.




The other mods in there are never activated when yours and Type3 is activated.







I just tried your mod again and it seems to allow TYPE3 to work.

But I cant use the hair styles from Handlebars to Kazaburo.


Are these hair styles a part of your pack? could another pack be loading without permission?

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Well, now they are working.. This is very weird.. I just cant use the hairs, Handlebars thought the K one.


Just went through all the hairs to double check again, I cant seem to use long and Wavy, to short and layered. either....



Ima try to dl your pack again..




I tried to download your full pack again and made sure it downloaded all the way before I opened it..


It does the same exact thing as the other one did. Not letting me use those hairs above. There are only about 7ish hairs that I can use and I think its because I had them working with the hairpack I had before.

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I think if you go into your DATA folder, go to textures, characters, and then delete the folder that says Hair


then do the same for the meshes folder


or, if you only have my mod and the Type 3 body replacer, just delete the entire texture and mesh folders


then take the folder that says meshes under your favorite Type 3 body type, and then the folder that says Textures under the Type 3 body textures, and stick them in your data folder


then just throw my BSA and ESM in your data folder


I don't see any reason that shouldn't work, I assume the problem is the hair folder in the texture and meshes folder in messing with my BSA





I am currently running Bethesda's 1.6 patch with all the DLC and a handful of various other mods and everything is running smooth on my game


I have only had one other person have trouble with a few hairs not showing up, but at least 7 others that have commented have got the thing working no problem at all, and another 100 downloads of it, which havn't left comments, so I assume they either got it to work or they don't care enough to leave a comment...

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