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Wha Cha Wanme to make


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Okay so I've been spending a whole lot of time working on FullAutoV2.0


The first one was a few pistols an sounds.


The next one has a lot more in it.


Right now it's just like 10 or so guns, 30 or so edits to Calibr,


And then a building with a room full of stuff with a dead guy on the bed. OUUUUUUUU



Pretty much it's going to be full of stand alone weapons


If they let me put them in I'll be dropping in a few of the great weapons


that are sort of ruined because the mod conflicts with certain other mods.


Maybe stuff that the modder didn't finish or dropped the ball on.


Even still the weapons I make rock the house, so the others are just like a bonus.


Anyway nub nubs, Wha cha want?



I promise to put the first one someone asks for that I can do, in 2.0.


Besides that I don't think I'll have time, but we'll see eh.





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Um I know three guns that would be sweet


the aliens M56 Smart Gun=big guns


the Robocop Auto-9 Pistol=Small guns


Ghostbusters proton pack=energy weapons


all of them would be hard to do so....uhh...... but you did ask :confused:

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how about:


Crysis Gauss Rifle=Energy weapons


Crysis TAC cannon=Big guns


Crysis Alien Minigun=Big guns


A gun with the meshe of a teddy bear but has a secret gun inside=small guns


a gun that shoots mutilated body parts(?)=Medicine Skill


and.... anything that shoot LASERS! (my opinion)

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Yeah I think that's way over my head.



The Alien smart gun is basicly a WW2 gun that was modified

an put on a chasis that straps to the person, kind of like a arm

Fires 1200 or so times a minute, works off energy packs

something like that but it does fire 10mm rounds

It's smart because it guides the bullets

I just thought it was a big gun LOLZ



Robocops pistol is based off the Beretta 93R

with a fatter handle an custom barrel added

9mm an such, I would be able to do it

but I lack the custom stuff that would yeild

that design, right now anyway

I could do it, but it just wouldn't look right




Who ya gona call, call ghostbusters...



Also over my head right now


But they're really great ideas




LOLZ a .44 handle sticking out of the back of a teddy bear


Oh high little girl look at this teddy bear, isn't it cute? BOOM!

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