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Well, i'm not a good modder (thou im a good troubleshooter if anyone needs help) but, some things i really wish to see if anyone can take a look:

1 - Camp event unlocker
Why ? > Cuz the game wants you to rest after almost EVERY battle so it can play some event... i'm tired of waking up with an (!) in my head (camp event notificator mod credits due) gods, just put them all together and play them, let me rest when i need to.
How ? > Disabling the limit of events in one night somehow

2 - Drop all the loot
Why ? > I want to loot whoever i want and leave the corpses with their bare butts on the mud, shame on them.
How ? > Unlocking the equipment slots from every npc maybe? i know some npcs already have their equipment there, but when you take it out (add everyone mod credits due, so you can have them on party and open their inv's) they still have them equipped, well you could even dupe some items this way if you wanted, the item is there, the models are there, why can't i simply take their things?


3 - Well, this is probly not even possible (yet?) but ... Surrender/Imprison mods
Why ? > you can knock NPC's unconcious, but that's no diferent from killing them 99.9% on the cases.. Let me have my own prison, that ugly bad goblin will wake up and start killing ppl again, right?
How ? > No idea.

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