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Combining Armor Parts with Blender and the FLVER Editor


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I've spent the past few days trying to figure out how to combine ER armor parts together. For a while, I had an issue with imported .FBX files being stuck in the T-pose position. Eventually, I was able to properly import the parts after following this tutorial from Scrub Milk. However, there were additional things I had to do for the imported .FBX meshes to work:

  1. Instead of converting to .SMD, I converted my .FLVER files to an .FBX file using the Aqua Model Tools.
  2. When Aqua Model Tools (more specifically SoulsModelTool.exe) converts your .FLVER file into an .FBX, the program will create an armature named "Spine," which is different from the "skeleton" armature that comes with ER_Base_Male.blend file. Therefore, under each mesh's armature modifier, make sure Object is pointed to "skeleton" (see 7:00 in Scrub Milk's video) and not "spine." H/t to commenter jessieli4944 for this tip.
  3. An updated version of the FLVER Editor (aka Pear's Flver Editor or FLVER Editor 2.0) has been released since Scrub Milk uploaded his video. However, this version of the FLVER editor currently does not import .FBX files correctly. Therefore, you need to use the older FLVER Editor (aka Forsakensilver's FLVER Editor) to import .FBX files. H/t to commenter the_Red_Star for this tip. Pear's FLVER Editor as of version 2.2.1 can now import .FBX files without issues.

ER_Base_Male.blend can be downloaded here or from the tools-and-resources channel in the ?ServerName? Discord. ER_Base_Male.blend was originally uploaded by Dasaav.


Here's a more detailed tutorial I wrote on this topic:


Edited by sn0wsh00
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