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A few lore friendly spells for underutilized methods


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Had some Ideas along with a few pictures I crudely drew in paint to convey what I had envisioned.
Basically, as I looked around the nexus I only saw conjuration spells which conjured things from nothing, and to me that was lore breaking as all getout. For example, dremora are lore friendly summons because you open small tears into oblivion, so conjuring skeletons and things which aren't housed in oblivion seems silly. Spectral summons, however, seem completely decent, as you're forming a creature completely made of magicka, somewhat like the anomolies.

Anywho, rant over. Here are a few of the spells.

Conjure Arrow Storm:



Basically, it opens a portal over the head of the target, which you select using the spell. The oblivion portal shoots out 15 bound arrows which do 9-12 damage each and apply the on hit effects your bound weapons would normally do due to perks.

Greater Telekinesis: This one is pretty simple, its similar to telekinesis in that it can pull and throw items, but Greater telekinesis would be able to wrest a lower leveled (same way as how fear and frenzy illusion spells work) enemies weapons from his/her hand, to which you could throw back at him/her with deadly effect.

Magnetize: A shock spell that damages over time and brings heavy armor wearing targets to the ground for 3 seconds (some sort of diminsihing returns is needed for obvious reasons)

Encase: An ice spell which traps the user in a conical block of ice, stopping movement but allowing you to plan your next attack. Prevents 200 damage from all sources but fire and lightning of which requires only 20 damage to destroy the ice.

I'll be adding more as I think of them, thanks for reading.

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