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Guest deleted29008535

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Guest deleted29008535

Hi there, I currently have a save on Skyrim Special Edition, modded.
I was playing it earlier today without any issues, and saved it in Alftand, while doing that "Discerning the Transmundane" Quest. I come back from work, try to load the save and it immediately crash to desktop. I AM able to start a new game just fine, but for some reason that save just crapped out.
The crash log file mentions some sort of BGSSaveLoadManager, whatever that is. It was mentioning that DynDOLOD was a possible issue before, but I completely deleted that and got rid of it.
This is the only save file I have for this character (I have a bad habit of deleting all older saves while making a new one), so if it is possible to fix this issue, please any help would be appreciated!

I have pasted the crashlogger output text below as well as attached it.




CLA SSE - Sephs Skyrim Experimental Crash Log Analyzer (1.1.1) / 2023.08.20
If you are asking others for assistance / help, ALWAYS provide the crashlog as well!

Crashlog Tool: CrashLoggerSSE v1-0-0-5
Game Version: 1.6.659
Script Extender: 1.6.659

RAM Total: 63.93 GB
RAM Used: 12.17 GB
RAM Free: 51.76 GB

Analysis RAM (all good):
It is absolute unlikely that the crash was due to RAM.

Header indicators:
Memory: 0x7FF6F0341968 count: (2)
File: n/a count: (0)
Address: n/a count: (0)
Assembler: n/a count: (0)

[ 0] 0x7FF6F0341968 SkyrimSE.exe+05B1968 -> 35604+0x528 -//- count: (1)


SkyrimSE.exe: count: (34)
This file on its own is not the cause, however, we'll do further parsing...

Could not find any known issues related to SkyrimSE.exe.
SkyrimSE.exe _might_ be listed for the sole reason of... you're playing this game!!

BGSSaveLoadManager: count: (3)
Once you've managed to load the last working save, try this: player.kill
This has to be confirmed to be working (guess, I'll be told when its not).

Success Statistic: (this has been detected/handled, does not mean it's the cause)
Issues Found: 2
Issues Solved: 2

DEBUG State:
Culprit list content: (just a list)
SkyrimSE.exe, BGSSaveLoadManager,

Random 'Fallback' Checks

How to read these results?
- They are simple keywords that may appear when you have a lot of issues.
- They do NOT have to mean anything.
- Only if the "regular" results / solutions do not help, they might provide an indication to the reason for this crash.

File: "Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp" -//- count: (8)

Name: "Shoal's Rest Farm" -//- count: (12)
GetFullName: "Shoal's Rest Farm" -//- count: (4)

EditorID: "ARTHLALFarmhouse" -//- count: (8)
FormID: 0x86031377 -//- count: (8)

[RSP+4F0 ] 0x25F8F13B800 (BGSSaveLoadManager*) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+A28 ] 0x25F8F13B800 (BGSSaveLoadManager*) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+E98 ] 0x25F8F13B800 (BGSSaveLoadManager*) -//- count: (1)
[05] ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm -//- count: (1)
[06] ccBGSSSE025-AdvDSGS.esm -//- count: (1)
[FE:001] ccBGSSSE037-Curios.esl -//- count: (1)

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try loading an earlier saver file. Sometimes, while playing "we" (the game) accidentally generate glitches that make a savefile created after encountering it, "corrupt" in one way or another (ie unloadable)


Try the save file made just prior to your last one. If it fails, then try the one before that...etc


As can uninstalling or even disabling some mods (aside from the obvious case of "installing a ew mod that causes issues")

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Guest deleted29008535

I cant load an earlier save since I unfortunately do not have any :(

I was looking for a way to solve this issue and actually load this save, but it seems like there is no way to do so

Ill just have to possibly restart

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