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Planet database.


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A mod I would like to see is a planet/system database.

A mod that takes the info of all the planets you have seen on your map and puts the info of them in a database with a sorting filter.

The information could be something like this:

Solar system – planet name – nr. of interesting location you’ve seen so far on the planet - what type of raw materials that are on the planet (if you scanned it). Survey % with xx fauna/xx flora / xx resources.

You can use the filter system to filter planets and the multichoice option of raw materials you have chosen.

Then you could click on the planet to see a 3d version of the planet, and if you have scanned it, you will see the raw materials layout, what type of fauna / flora and what resources they drop,

Add more info.


Any idea if this would be doable or usefull for people?

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I want to be able to type in a substance and see where I've encountered it before.

I type in Adhesive, I see where I've scanned things that drop it.

I type in Iron, I see where I can put down a harvester to gather it or what planets I've just seen nuggets on the surface.

I type in a city, I see what planet it's on, where a station orbits.

I type in an NPC name, it tells me where they are, "Go talk to Bob." I don't remember who Bob is or where he's supposed to be.

Type in the name of a shop, boom, there's one on these planets.


Three hundred years from now, and we've lost the ability to do basic google searches.


It would be awesome to incorporate it into a station on the ship or something. Finally give a reason to interact with something other than the cargo display.

Edited by mondoz
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