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How do I 're-initialize' an NPC?


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I'm not sure if I have the right word for this, but does anyone know how to 're-initialize' an NPC? From what I can tell, I can edit NPCs all I want before I load them in the game. This only seems to happen when they're in the same cell as me. Once that happens, many of the NPC's stats (like base AVs and offsets) are locked, and there are no console commands to edit them.
I'm in this situation because I rebalanced the Khajiit Will Follow followers and forgot to copy their stat changes to eeekie's replacer. I'd just reinstall the mod, but I'm a bit too far into a couple of questlines to do that at this point. I definitely don't want to restart my playthrough. Is there any way to reset an NPC so those changes go through?


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Hmm... well IFF you know their stats from before, you could possibly use something like this




to edit them.


Maybe you can load an old save temporarily and write down the values to transfer to the new instance? I sometimes have to do that with racemenu settings when duplicating various tweaks to new character instances. Not "the same" but similar principle.

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Well the old NPC stats in an old game should be embedded into THAT savefile, rather than being called from a newer save when the old file is opened, so I'd definitely give it a try. Might be more tedious copying down stuff than ideal, but, well, life ain't ideal.

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