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Bugged with mods


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Some mods have caused some quests to not work, for instance the Dark Brotherhood starter quest. When I kill an innocent, no "Your actions were observed by bla bla " message. I was wonderwing what could cause this, I am using DMC Stylish , UV, OBSE, Pluggy, omod, Beautiful People, Argonian Hair (or smthin like that),Newbs Armored Robes, and Akaviri Samurai shop. If you know a way I could cheat my way into the starting quest that'd be helpfull. Thanks in advance
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If you kill an opponent with a UV move, it might not register the kill properly for the DB quest, since the UV combat engine is necessarily outside the vanilla system. Try ensuring you kill somebody with a vanilla move and see if it registers. I may have forgotten to include that test in the current version. I'll get it fixed for the next update to UV.



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