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Brotherhood Air Base Mod


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i was just wondering if someone could make an air-base-mod. i thougt about a little air base somewhere in the wasteland at a nice place. it shouldn't be as large as the adams airforce base in broken steel. i allready have some ideas but i'm not able to make it myself.


it should have:

- an air field and maybe two hangars with vertibirds in and in front of them (it would be pretty cool if the vertibirds would have an interior so that you can go inside while they stand on the ground)

- a few antennas (just for atmosphere and realism)

- also a few mechanics working on the vertibirds in the hangars

- outside there should be a few bunkers, maybe such like in operation anchorage (i mean those small ones near the artillery posts)

- BoS soldiers watching the area

- i would like to have a control center belowground with barracks and meeting- and control room (maybe like SCAR control center mod)

- also there could be trenches and/or force fields to protect the base and maybe turrets


i want to use the base as head quarter for the enclave-commander mod. i think it would be really cool to have your own air base/BoS outpost.

maybe there is someone who could make my dream come true :)

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Actually, I'm making a mod similar to this right now. It's not BoS, it's made specifically for Enclave commander. I'm calling it Dragon Rock and it is a bloody great rock, to put it plainly. It's a big rock with a hole in the centre and a landing pad at the top. I'll grab a screen in a sec.




Here's the main building. As you can see I have my Vertibird sitting pretty at the top. Not quite the landing strip you were after, but it's nice and enclosed, the better that those bloody raiders won't want to go and look at what's up there.




The entrance. A nice little hole, very hard to spot, Raiders will never find it. Hopefully. I've actually walked into my home a couple times and found a trio of Raiders sitting waiting to kill me.


Anyway, I'll review your request and add more crap to it. I haven't actually started on any interiors or anything, because I spent a day building the rock, and another day deleting parts of it so it didn't lag like all hell. Now that there is a small interest in thiss I'll get back to work on it. It may be done by the end of next week or the one after. I'm on holidays so I have loads of time :)

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thank you for your reply. i think this is also a good idea but i really like that air base feeling..you know..some vertibirds on the air field, mechanics working on them and BoS soldiers smoking a cigarette while watching the area..that's what i mean.
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