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adjusting Freefly Camera's settings?


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the mouse pan speed (it seems to be set to "Blinding" by default),


and the camera origin translation speed (when pressing w,a,s, or d) default setting: "aSnailsPaceWouldBeFast"


Been having an issue with TFM TFC for ~ a month maybe a bit longer, I either recently installed something (I have no idea what, I've added quite a few mods during the past two months, nor is it thread salient which mod did) that added Freefly Camera, OR I accidentally enabled freefly camera behavior that was already installed, but wasn't previously enabled, and now, when shifting to TFM mode, even the tiniest movement of my mouse produces wild rotations on the camera, and translation is so slow as to make it virtually worthless to try translating the camera)


In fact, the combo of these two errant settings makes TFM mode completely untenable.


there's an INI file, but tbh, I'm having hard time discerning what's what.


bEnableGameNoty = false

; (0.0 == no interpolation between frame)
fSmooth = 0.200000
bAutoLock = false

bInvertY = false


; W
moveFoward = 0x11

; A
moveLeft = 0x1E

; S
moveBackward = 0x1F

; D
moveRight = 0x20

moveUp = 0x100

moveDown = 0x101

; Q
rollCCW = 0x10

; E
rollCW = 0x12

; 0 for using mouse Y
pitchCCW = 0x0

; 0 for using mouse Y
pitchCW = 0x0

; 0 for using mouse X
yawCCW = 0x0

; 0 for using mouse X
yawCW = 0x0

; 0 for using mouse wheel
incrFOV = 0x0

; 0 for using mouse wheel
decrFOV = 0x0

; PageUp
incrGTM = 0xC9

; PageDown
decrGTM = 0xD1

; R
reset = 0x13

; F7
toggleTFC = 0x41

; MMB(0x102), 0 for passthrough
inputLock = 0x102

; Lshift, utility key
combo = 0x2A

; num+, utility key
increment = 0x4E

; num-, utility key
decrement = 0x4A

mseBase = 5.000000
mseMult = 0.500000
mseStep = 0.100000
mseMax = 10.000000
rotBase = 1.000000
rotMult = 0.500000
rotStep = 0.100000
rotMax = 10.000000
movBase = 1.000000
movMult = 0.500000
movStep = 0.100000
movMax = 10.000000
lvlBase = 1.000000
lvlMult = 0.500000
lvlStep = 0.100000
lvlMax = 10.000000
fovBase = 1.000000
fovMult = 0.500000
fovStep = 0.100000
fovMax = 10.000000
gtmBase = 1.000000
gtmMult = 0.500000
gtmStep = 0.100000
gtmMax = 10.000000

bInvertY = true
iDeadzoneL = 100
iDeadzoneR = 100


; 0 for using left thumbstick
forward = 0x0

; 0 for using left thumbstick
backward = 0x0

; 0 for using left thumbstick
moveLeft = 0x0

; 0 for using left thumbstick
moveRight = 0x0

; LB
moveUp = 0x110

; RB
moveDown = 0x111

; 0 for using right thumbstick
pitchCCW = 0x0

; 0 for using right thumbstick
pitchCW = 0x0

; 0 for using right thumbstick
yawCCW = 0x0

; 0 for using right thumbstick
yawCW = 0x0

; Left Shoulder, 0 for using left trigger analog
rollCCW = 0x112

; Right Shoulder, 0 for using right trigger analog
rollCW = 0x113

; dPad up
decrFOV = 0x10A

; dPad down
incrFOV = 0x10B

; dPad left
decrGTM = 0x10C

; dPad right
incrGTM = 0x10D

; ArrowBack
reset = 0x10F

; X (0x00 == unbind/disabled)
inputLock = 0x116

toggleTFC = 0

; A
combo = 0x114

; RT
increment = 0x119

; LT
decrement = 0x118

mseBase = 1.000000
mseMult = 0.500000
mseStep = 0.100000
mseMax = 10.000000
rotBase = 1.000000
rotMult = 0.500000
rotStep = 0.100000
rotMax = 10.000000
movBase = 1.000000
movMult = 0.500000
movStep = 0.100000
movMax = 10.000000
lvlBase = 1.000000
lvlMult = 0.500000
lvlStep = 0.100000
lvlMax = 10.000000
fovBase = 1.000000
fovMult = 0.500000
fovStep = 0.100000
fovMax = 10.000000
gtmBase = 1.000000
gtmMult = 0.500000
gtmStep = 0.100000
gtmMax = 10.000000



maybe you help please?


PS> not looking to disable it, (unless I have no alternative). It adds some neat features (camera axis rotation for instance), but I do want it to work correctly...erm productively

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guess: mseBase = 5.000000 - try changing this to 2-3?
(mouse mseMult = 0.500000
stgs) mseStep = 0.100000
mseMax = 10.000000 since I assume the following is for keyboard defaults


movBase = 1.000000 - try changing this to similar to the above for mouse
movMult = 0.500000
movStep = 0.100000
movMax = 10.000000


then see what happens (use the old .old trick on the original .ini for instant restoration if needed)

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... ... then see what happens (use the old .old trick on the original .ini for instant restoration if needed)

Thanks Leo. The values you suggested are the right ones. I still have to fine tune a little, but both now work much closer to the expected behavior


... use the old .old trick on the original .ini

PS> Not sure what the old trick is... do you mean console refreshini ?

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Ah...gotcha. failsafe. right. thanks. didn't realize they self-repaired/respawned an ini on deletion. cool!


I have a habit of cluttering them with additional ;coments, or [comments], or whatever syntax is necessary so I can embed-record the default I've changed into the .ini/.toml/.xml etc file (or even hard-copying them to a dummy "backup" folder)


btw, I set them to 1.200000 (mouse) and 6.500000 (translation). might have to dial the mouse back a few clicks.

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