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Couple of questions from a new player.


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Hello all, I hope you won't find my questions too hard. :)


I've been playing with many mods, mostly with those major: OOO, MMM, Cobl etc. There is one thing that really bothers me - I am quite sure melee players are having way more fun than a pure magic user like I am, especially thanks to Deadly Reflex. :) I might be wrong, hehe. Anyway, I am level 3 only, maybe it will change? :)


Another thing - melee AI seems to be very stupid; even jumping on a simple rock will make them just run around, without being able to hit me. Same goes when I summon, instead of attacking me first (and surely killing me, since I am really fragile!), they tend to waste all of their energy on my summons, which I can keep summoning without stopping. Is there a way to prevent this, to make them attack me more / in a more intelligent fashion?


I've attached my load order just in case someone is interested. :))


Thanks in advance!



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All my characters turn into battlemages or spellswords unless I make a conscious effort to roleplay a certain character type. I do have one character that is a mage. All he carries in the way on weapons is a dagger, and he only draws it when the battle is going very badly. This character had a very hard time when he was low-level. He used staffs and scrolls and lots of potions. He also ran away from lots of battles. Now he is like level 38 and is better than any of my warrior or battle-mage characters of that level. Invisibility rocks! He also has spells to make him a master lockpicker and master blacksmith, but that part is sort of frivolous because the only thing he has to repair is his dagger. I think mages have more fun than warriors and thieves.


Alas the AI is rather stupid. If you want to make enemies attack you instead of your summonings, slash them with your dagger a time or two. That will often make them ignore everything else in the world and rush after you full of bloodlust. You might try abstaining from summoning or having companions. That makes it very hard for a mage and all the enemies will rush after you!


I think the problem is Vanilla Oblivion. I don't think any of your mods caused stupid AI.

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Thanks. :)


I don't even use a dagger at the moment (I'd use a staff if I found any) since I am trying to play a conjurer; that means, abstaining from summoning is a no-no. :) I might improve the difficulty to the maximum, then... and hope for the best.


But it sounds so simple - I just wish a mod gave an instruction to AI that attacking human player has higher priority than his summons! That would make me really, really enjoy the experience.

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