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Midnight Freezes my test game


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I forgot and let my test game get to midnight. It always crashes. I can't rescue the little girl who hides, in Ridgeside Valley, because of this problem. I tried to go to MissCordelia's discord, but as usual Discord doesn't want me to log in.


Just in case it would somehow resolve if given more time than usual, I went and took a three hour nap, and no joy. Still crashed. I had done a lot during this game day, partly because it was so hard to find one of the people having a birthday. So many cutscenes trigger when you're using a lot of cheats to test. Anyway.


This test of the mods I'm using was meant to be a few days of making sure it all can work together, but I've become attached to Rune, the PC. I've cheated like crazy to try to achieve enough to know that a more leisurely, less cheaty, game will work. Obviously having the CC bundles done by mid spring Y1 is ridiculous--I want to test getting the movie theater, and then I was going to create a real file to play with only the cheats I need as a disabled player. I've replayed a lot of days, have an absurdly great farm, as if Grandpa left me a going concern comparable to (name your huge farming corporation.) "Here, granddaughter, take 999 cauliflower seeds from out of nowhere." Heh.


There are three mods that aren't updated. Two are because there is custom content (decor and furniture) in the folders and I'm afraid to update the rest, since they work and I'm attached to them. You know, like a rose themed bedroom with everything matching.


And PYTk won't update to a new version and I don't know why not. I don't really think these are causing the midnight problem.


Yes, I know that soon the game itself is supposed to update but maybe I'll lose internet service or something, yet not be quite homeless. Haha. A little "my god our house and car insurance premium went up dramatically!!!" humor there. Damn, I SWEAR we had it bundled like good boy & girl.


Five adult people here are trying to live on one man's retirement income. Two or perhaps three are disabled, and one is trying to get a temporary, part time job upgraded to FTWB. And my medical bills aren't a joke. I just turned down an echocardiogram sundry other tests because they wanted almost five hundred dollars OOP, after Tricare, and I don't have a life, so I reaaaaaaallly need this game.


Please, someone tell me what is going on. In real life I DO turn into a pumpkin at midnight, but that pumpkin has absolutely no value, cannot be pickled or juiced....


In July I tried to jump ship and I woke up anyway. I KNOW I am in early dementia and I'm terrified. Problems like this one would once have been easy for me. I was a chemist. So you see I wasn't always as stupid as I am now. I'm reaching out here hoping someone will help me fix this game. I used up my plan in July. I have a telemed appointment 9/20 with the guy who adjusts my antidepression meds, and I don't even know what to tell him.


Please help me with the one thing I am enjoying. It's stupid that a thing like this can break me. It's stupid that Rune feels like a friend. It's like I'm letting her down. She's so damn competent, though 90% of it is Tractor Mod. (Tractor mining and combat are FUN!!!!)

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