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Voice Actor Requested


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Hello! I recently made a companion mod, and am looking for a voice actor for him. His name is Bill Warren, and he's a bounty hunter from California. There's around 35 lines of dialog, but a good amount of them are just things like "Goodbye," and "Hello," and stuff like that. But there IS a few lines explaining backstory and such. The companion is done, and all need (want) is some voice for him before I upload it. I do plan to eventually add a quest to the mod, but it won't need anymore dialog from Bill. It's not exactly the role of a lifetime, but I will give you full & complete credit. And it could be good practice if your attempting to do it professionally or something. I'll shut up now, thanks!


P.S. PM me if you are interested. Or write that you're interested in the forum, and I'll PM you the dialog or something.


Thank you, And remember, War, war never changes.

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