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Enemy bar pop-up


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Yes. fAutoAimMaxDistance (4000 game units in vanilla). AutoAim is a hardcoded feature that basically selects the closest actor to the player's aim vector (closest to the crosshair practically). VATS target selection is based on this mechanics too.


The enemy bar seems to be activated by the "actor entered the crosshair" event and works only if the player is in combat.

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Great, thanks! Silly me, couldn't think about it as auto aiming. Rather thought it was obsolete in Fallout. Hopefully, lowering these distances (sighted and none) won't ruin VATS completely then or something else - this mod I've found now includes confusing method https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/945?tab=description - increases the distance dramatically instead of lowering.


Curious, one of users claimed that my mod update effected said distance or behaviour, although i never touched anything specific in that regard, neither knew how to. There is a perk with Activation choice for NPC, the only thing remotely relevant, but it was always the same there.


ps. Zero is a sort of game changer. Somehow, NPC Activation distance uses the same Setting, but fortunately, Sighted means Scopes and not just aiming as i thought, so that's fine.

Edited by hereami
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