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FNVEdit Fatal Error Problems

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ok if it found it, then it has to be a file underneath it call it it and that file is damaged in the manner I spoke of. The whole list as a whole is captured asa whole when you load it up, AKA plugin.txt file or what ever mod manager controls the data.


Yes. that means you found it. so the file is ok, another file some place is at fault.


EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp <---This file is good, from this point going down, load each one the same way

One at a time till you get that same error message and you found the culprit. this is the only way to sort it out, once found, post it ,ask the author to fix it or I can fix it for you. one way or another you can get the data to work. What ever follows here is at fault calling that file.

Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp
fnvrwlo - original.esp

AWOP NO DLC Conflict Error Fixes.esp why do you have this in there?
Factions Reloaded Legion.esp
Freeside Open Patch.esp
AWOP DLC Conflict Error Fixes.esp Conflict Error Fixes.esp why do you have this in there? these 2 are in opposition of each other.

Project Nevada - EVE No DLC.esp
Project Nevada - EVE No GRA.esp
FOOK-PN Convergence.esp
AWOP - Balance and Cleanup.esp
FOOK-PN-WME-WMXUE-EVE Convergence.esp
FOOK-PN-AWOP Weapon Convergence.esp
WMR Convergence Edition.esp
WMXUE-CouriersStash.esp <--DLC
WMR_LonesomeRoad_R.esp <--DLC
WMR_LonesomeRoad_S.esp <--DLC
WMR_HonestHearts_R.esp <--DLC
WMR_HonestHearts_S.esp <--DLC
WMR_OldWorldBlues_R.esp <--DLC
WMR_OldWorldBlues_S.esp <--DLC
WMR_GunRunnersArsenal_R.esp <--DLC
WMR_GunRunnersArsenal_S.esp <--DLC
WMR_DeadMoney_R.esp <--DLC
WMR_DeadMoney_S.esp <--DLC
WMR_WMX_OldWorldBlues_R.esp <--DLC
WMR_WMX_LonesomeRoad_S.esp <--DLC
WMR_WMX_LonesomeRoad_R.esp <--DLC
WMR_WMX_OldWorldBlues_S.esp <--DLC
WMR_WMX_HonestHearts_S.esp <--DLC
WMR_WMX_GunRunnersArsenal_S.esp <--DLC
WMR_WMX_HonestHearts_R.esp <--DLC
WMR_WMX_GunRunnersArsenal_R.esp <--DLC
EVE FNV - NO GRA.esp <---Kills all the above listed in orange.
EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp <---Kills all the above listed in orange.


In the above spoiler, there is conflicting logic loaded choose one method over another not both. It does not matter what we want, what matters is how the data is processed.

welcome to modern day mod making fun.


Edited by Purr4me
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I ran FNVEdit using just the plug in WMEVE - FOOK.esp and I got the error that I have been getting does this mean that this is the corrupt one? (Log shown below)

[00:05] Background Loader: loading "WMEVE - FOOK.esp"...

[00:05] Background Loader: [WMEVE - FOOK.esp] Loading file

[00:05] Background Loader: [WMEVE - FOOK.esp] File loaded

[00:05] Background Loader: [WMEVE - FOOK.esp] Start processing

[00:05] Background Loader: [WMEVE - FOOK.esp] Adding master "FalloutNV.esm"

[00:05] Background Loader: [WMEVE - FOOK.esp] Adding master "Weapon Mod Expansion.esm"

[00:05] Background Loader: [WMEVE - FOOK.esp] Adding master "EVE FNV.esp"

[00:05] Background Loader: [EVE FNV.esp] Loading file

[00:05] Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 2.

The system cannot find the file specified>

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what you can now do is this, you need to make a file , a blank empty file for that particular plugin to fix it. we use xxxedit to make a new one, or you can use another tool to make one.


in the error window posted above on your system, use your mouse to clip out the exact data it is being fed. just do not include the quotes. hold it in ram. close down the editer and open it again, pick just fallout3.esm load it, find any object, a container, weapon any thing to make a new file with.


right click the object, copy to function / create new now past /right click the new file line into that new file window. hit the key's (cntrl + s). close down edit.


now open xxedit again and pick only your new file, edit it header info and put your name into it description so you can ID it.


now......re-run that bad plugin, it will now load your new replaced file as what it calls for so you can access it and fix it's header Entries.

you might need to renal the original file first. if your as good as I am, just name it a number or single letter, it wont matter, but you can't save what you fix with your blank file sitting in there. once it is fixed and saved, you can now delete yours and rename the original back to the error logs name.


use note pad or windows txt writer, any thing to save names you deal with a scratch pad, your going to need to do this.


test that bad plugin and see if it now loads the original file. don't think for an instant your done here, there may indeed be more files effected in this way.


I have no answers as to how these mistakes arrived were made. it is why you are supposed to contact the authors. they made them, may not be responsible for the errors. It can be a software glitch too.


Good luck.



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An after thought. Things to keep in mind about all of this.

  • you will need the original files structure, it's name listed in the bundle of the mod it came from, not the faulting modules name.


[00:05] Background Loader: [EVE FNV.esp] Loading file
[00:05] Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 2.
The system cannot find the file specified>

that is used only to access the plugin call it. not the true files real name. the entry is incorrect. other mods will not be calling an incorrect name.

your fake access hack file is using that name only. this error-ed name won't be used again.

  • you make a file that uses this (EVE FNV.esp) as it is blank so this will load. -->(WMEVE - FOOK.esp)
  • once it loads. you edit the header and replace it's data with the true files name. (EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp) if that is the true file?

I just noticed the name are not the same, so there are more bugs to be fixed here than I could ponder about.

do them all one at a time. you may need to make a few? I have no idea how many are bad. I did a hunt for all the required data for the convergence mod. sorry, I am not going to download over a quad worth of data just to find out whats wrong.


these instructions should get you by for now.

  1. EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
  2. [EVE FNV.esp

that's 2 problems - not one. so it may mean a lot more is going on.



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