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Keybind nightmare


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I unconventionally bind my forward and backward movement keys to Mouse1 and Mouse2, respectively. Unfortunately, this creates a problem with lockpicking as I cannot cycle through the slot patterns(this action requires mouse buttons but it does not work when mouse buttons are mapped as I have done).


Does anyone know of a solution to this, or if there are any plans to fix this?


I honestly can't believe keybinds are still a problem in 2023, and this is probably the worst I have ever experienced. From what I can tell, I won't be able to pick any locks unless I force myself to play with keybinds that feel unnatural to me. Really frustrating.

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This kind of mod will eventually happen if it can. But often, keybind limitations are hard-coded, and need an update from Beth (hahahahahaha- yeah, that's really gonna happen).


However, every dev seems to have this issue when they 'over-load' keys (the same key may do different things in different game modes). Sadly for you, no-one is going to be sympathetic to your contrarian use of your mouse buttons, so you'll have to hope for a generic key-bind overhaul mod. Which will advance when people discover the limitations of the current key-bind data storage system.


A ton of requests in this forum are a complete waste of time. No potential modder is reading them and thinking- yeah, I'll meet that request. Instead most requests here are asking for obvious things that will almost all automatically happen over time, but only when the official tools are released, non-official tools are created, file format documentation appears, and reverse engineering reaches a sufficient level.


Anyone with 'weird' needs should put the game aside, go play one of the massive number of other great games, and get back to Starfield in a year or two.

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Haha get back to Starfield in a year or two?!?


I might try poking around the records myself, I know I fixed a similar thing with the hardcoded menu keys in Fallout New Vegas, there may be some similar approach here though surely not identical. And FNV was with keystrokes, not mouse buttons, so there's that difference as well. I guess I'll have to see.


EDIT I'm a fool, or hasty more like. There are A LOT of keybinding submenus that I only gave a cursory look to. Upon closer inspections, I found some mouse button binds in one of the interface menus, unbinding fixed my problem. Might be useful for anyone out there using old-school FPS key configs lol

Edited by amokrun1
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I'm glad you were able to sort this one out! I remember having to deal with a busted mouse button by having to remap a key to it outside of game for one of the Total War games.
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