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I doubt anyone will do this, but thought I'd put this idea up and see if anyone is interested.... Who knows? Maybe someone will really like the idea.


I'm native American... and am trying to do a native American character. Chose the Hispanic race option and used a mod to give her long straight hair.


I'm using Red's bandana and the Leather Rebel Armor.




Mostly I'm hoping the idea may inspire some people to make a few new items.


1) A tomahawk weapon like the Fusion Hawk put out by SOG. The way it's designed it would probably cut armor values of the target in half. Do the damage of say... the Vampire's Edge.


2) A slight reworking of the Leather Rebel armor, loincloth under the belt and pouch, but keeping the same legs. Maybe a fringed halter top to replace the existing ragged t-shirt type top but retaining the shoulder guard. Possibly fringe on the top of the boots but keeping the shin-guards. Mild bonuses to sneak, action points, and possibly movement speed. (fast armor)


3) .32 blued frame lever action rifle. 10-12 shot, otherwise similar stats as Ol' Painless which I mostly use now. Probably easiest done as a modified Lincoln Repeater, but I'd really like to see a '92 Winchester. Although the side loading would require new animations. So probably best done an iron frame version of the Lincoln Repeater for that reason. Game mechanics-wise... a higher capacity, slightly faster firing Ol' Painless.


4) Only if someone REALLY gets into the idea, a companion piece for the rifle. A .32 top break six shot revolver modeled around the old Schoefield cavalry revolver. Although, probably the easiest way is probably just make a mildly more powerful version of Wild Bill's revolver with six shots instead of five.


5) Would it be possible to do a "sacred bundle"? A pouch that hangs from the neck like a medallion? Make it use an eye slot to keep it from being a cheat/overpower item and add 1 to luck. Have it stick out enough that it would be visible over the


Only reason I brought this up, is that I thought the coolness factor might appeal to some other players as well.

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im not entirely sure, now that you ask ;D i guess we could try the report function then just request to move it, but i dont know if its a big enough deal to bother mods with it or not.


im also sorry that i didnt read you first post closer, as i meant that i was making some traditional tomahawks, but the fusion hawk looks pretty cool and id be happy to try and whip one of those up for you.


Moved to Mod requests, No problem :thumbsup:

Bben46, Moderator

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Thanks to the mod that moved this.


And Neunen, that would be nice if you WANTED to. I always feel guilty asking for help.


The reason I was asking about the Fusion hawk, is that it fits more in line with a post-holocaust Apache going back to traditional skills, but keeping modern practicality in mind. If you look at the angle of the head on the Fusion, and imagine a normal swinging motion, I think you can see how it would be partially armor piercing. It sort of creates a chisel edged attack with the top corner that the rest of the edge follows in.


Let's face it, from a historical perspective, the various Native Americans would grab any modern technology they could to keep a good edge. Supposedly Geronimo himself was a pretty good self-taught gunsmith.


I found a TON of great Native American music to insert into the game that REALLY adds to what I am trying. It kinda mixes up the fallout music with Native American music and somehow does it pleasantly. With no jarring contrast.




I also found the BB gun to Winchester mod. LOOKS exactly like I wanted, but unfortunately, it's a bit of a popgun. It probably should have the damage of Ol' Painless or something between a hunting rifle and Ol' Painless.




I wish I could figure out how to take those graphics and make a more powerful version. I also don't like how it changes ALL the BB guns to that rifle. I think it should be a unique one.


If you do the axe, and I can figure out how to make Dad's Old Winchester a sightly more powerful unique (I'm about to throw up my arms in frustration here) then all I would need would be a more traditional looking native-holocaust looking outfit.

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I found a mod for the rifle that is a bit more suitable for these purposes. Also I took mine from the body of a dead Talon Merc, so it feels a bit less like cheating.




It's .44 cal, so I'll have to run to the Pitt for more ammo periodically, but no biggy.




Neunen, if you make that fusion tomahawk and post it for general use, I thought you might want a bit of history behind it.


Basically, the Fusion Tomahawk put out by SOG is a more modern update of the Viet Nam tomahawk used by Special Forces. It was used by them because it could much more dependably take out sentries quietly in one blow than any knife can. The Viet Nam version had a wood (maybe wood-fiberglass) handle. The modern Fusion has a haft of carbon fiber that is nearly indestructable. I own a Fusion Tomahawk and a 2/3rds strength blow has no problem penetrating a steel 55 gallon oil drum. To do that with one of my traditional tomahawks (except for one tradtional I own with an angled head) takes just about all the strength I can muster. It has to do with the shape of the Fusion's head. It acts a bit like a can opener.

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Hmm, two in-game weapons are armor piercing. Possibly re-skinning one of them and juggling around the stats would work.


1) The Man Opener. (but it's fully automatic, so I have no idea if it can be modified and given the tomahawk as a graphic. If the full automatic ability can be removed, then I'd say this is one possible way. )


2) The Deathclaw Gauntlet. (but it's an unarmed weapon, once again not sure if you can change that around to make the item with. If it is easy just to change it from unarmed to melee, this is THE way to go.)


They are both fully armor piercing, but honestly, I think the tomahawk would be at least as good at penetrating armor as animal claws glued to a medical brace.


The Man Opener is described as a fully automatic Deathclaw Gauntlet. I think maybe give the tomahawk the stats of the deathclaw guantlet, but most definately NOT the abilites of the Man Opener.


My two cents worth: Give the exact same stats as the Deathclaw Gauntlet, but increase it's health to 750. ( 150 more than the guantlet, same as the The Vampire's Edge or a Super Sledge )



And I am not trying to pester you. Just tossing out an idea on maybe how to make it work in the game mechanics, while keeping it believable and in-line with existing game weapons.

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In the GECK; In the weapon window (which opens when you edit the weapon you want to edit), there is a group of check-boxes marked as "Flags". Check the "Ignores Normal Weapon Resistance" and the weapon should ignore DR.


Also, the thing which makes the Man-Opener automatic is the "Automatic" flag. Go figure? ;)

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