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do you want a script wrote


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I think I am asking for trouble.

CrazyGilbert in poste says scripting is hard. 'dummies' manual is not a basic tutorial.

others may feel the same. I did when first started. I still do. I do basic scripts and experiment.. a bit.


so if some one wants a script wrote. poste here


I will look at this topic on day after this poste date, to see if any replies.

It will take me a week to do one or two, depending on what you want.

will poste again in weeks time



1.Have a clear idea of what you want. The MORE description you give me the better I can deal.

2. if you want to change the world then the script may be beyond me.

2a. a simpler script idea is better than a BIG one.????

3. tell me what object the script is to run on.

4 what objects . items . npc/s are to be affected(effected?)

5. are npc's new(you create) or ones in game.- I try not to damage in game npc's

but use them as a starting point for quests.

6. Is it to be in the world or in a player made cell.

7. will a poste here in a text format be enough to get you started or do you need it in a mod in a test cell atteched to unique items.

8. other things I have not thourght about yet.


I will see how this goes....

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  • 1 month later...

You really want a challenge? *chuckle*

Try this:


I need a way to do the following:

1) Check the player's race, using player-made races

2) Check the player's class, using player-made classes

3) Do a number of things which I can do, provided 1 & 2 are completed.


I have about 5 races so far, and numerous classes, but just use the standard 'fighter', 'mage', 'thief' for testing purposes. I am making a Total Conversion, and Vvardenfell will not be there, so MW classes, races, etc, are not in the mod.


Try that one on for size, I have yet to find anyone who can do it...

Good luck, and thanks in advance if you give it a shot, just for trying ;)



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actualy i have already done both those things you have stated and it is a relativly simple process... (provided the player doesen't generate there own class)


heh tscrib I think you have opend the floodgates on this one :)


as a scripter of decent skill and recently gone into hiding let me just say. Good luck! you will be swamped with ppl wanting things done and the more outragios the things you do the more outragios things ppl will want... But it is fun :)


drop us a line if you need a tip in the right direction but there is no way im making an offer like the one you made again (learnt my lesson right quick)

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Hey, Wookie! I was wondering where you'd disappeared to. Simple, really? How. I was thinking the other day and got the idea to use a combination of dialogue, script, and globals. Do you have AIM? Or some other IM program? As for player-made classes (and races, for that matter), I was going to have a generic start for anyone who didn't fit into a class (or race) that I made in the mod.



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have a look at the chargen scripts and yes dialogue is another good way of checking but yeah you can manualy check the players race and class with a script you just have to test for all of them and flag the one that tests true
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  • 4 months later...

... this might not be the right place to ask about it - it certainly is the right time for me, though :)


for NWN there is a thing where ready made scripts are stored, a whole library of goodies, ready to get and modify.

Is, by any chance, a similar thing for Morrowind out there?


Would be great!


Back to reading .....

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