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The Pipboy Readius broke my game


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So I installed the Popboy Readius mod, and found that whenever I used it, my whole arm & the device would turn white outside, and I couldn't see anything on it.


So I uninstalled the mod, loaded my game up, only to find out it's still there, and has the same problem. I then loaded one of my backup saves, and this time, it's like my character is holding an invisible Readius.


So then I look further into it, follow the uninstallation tutorial, delete both the .esp & .bsp after unequipping then reequipping my armor, load my game again, and now it's like I'm looking at my regular pip-boy, except it's invisible & not there.


I also tried deleting my Menus Folder in Data, and that did nothing except muck up Project Nevada.


Help desperately needed. This is a serious game-breaker for me.




Edited by Shovkovskiy
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  • 2 months later...

In your backup save where your Pip-Boy was invisible, did you open the console and "player.additem 00015038 1" "player.equipitem 00015038 1" ? That should re-equip your Pip-Boy.

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