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Free energy, the myths and legends, and reality.


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There is however an unlimited amount of ways to manipulate current to produce "free" energy. I could if I wanted to go out to the river behind my house and spend the time to create a few small watermills in parallel to each other, which could in fact generate enough current to sustain the lights outside of my home. would only need to buy a few magnets and then coil them with some copper wire then create a parallel circuit to each light after measuring the exact current I have. Calculate the exact amount of resistance I need between the line from the watermills and the lights for each light bulb then... Ta-Da!!! I have free energy for my lights outside of my home. :smile:


How ever, it wouldn't be very cost efficient and most likely over time I would have to do maintenance on the small watermills. Also I probably wouldn't end up saving a substantial amount of money for at least a decade and this is taking in consideration the river will never dry out or lose it's water flow.... But, this would basically be "free" energy and "clean"....


It's only a matter of understanding how to manipulate current to produce power and this can be done with just a few resistors, copper wire, magnets, and small understanding of ohms law....

Edited by colourwheel
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@colourwheel: You are describing energy that is "free" in an economic sense, meaning that it does not have a monetary cost based on output after the initial setup. The term "free" as it is mostly being used in this thread is not describing the monetary or material cost of the energy, it is describing an energy production system that produces more than it consumes, resulting in positive output. The river that is turning your generators is a source of kinetic energy created by the heat of the sun doing things to the earth's weather which causes water to be lifted to higher elevation which then runs downhill to the lowest point. It still follows the known rules of physics because a finite amount of matter is being converted to a finite amount of energy (the sun's reactions), and a finite amount of that energy makes the journey to earth, and a finite amount of that energy eventually translates into electricity from your generators. At no point in the process is any energy being created, it is only changing its form. Truly "free" energy, in physics terms as opposed to economic terms, would be a system that does not require input, or requires less input that the output that it produces. All current methods of harnessing energy require more input (fuel, etc) than the output they produce.

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Was never saying "energy" was being created. Also if you want to get technical you could say I was describing both "free" economically and production wise. Technically my watermill would be generating more current than my light bulbs could handle, hence the need to put resistance in the circuit to not blow out the light bulbs by dropping too much voltage on to them.... Even so if the water flow wasn't strong enough for me to power one light I could build a bipolar transistor amplifier circuit out of a simple transistor and a few resistors to amplify the current flowing through my light bulbs. meaning I am producing more current than originally being input to power my light bulbs properly.... better "free" and "clean" energy for my lights outside of my house :smile:


Was also simply stating as long as the universe keeps moving in motion "current" will be infinite. Just imagine my watermill in outer space.... the current that could be produced just from one spin "if weighted properly" would be immeasurable...


Also what you described is not what "free energy" means anyways...


Free Energy :

  1. a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a system to do work.
Edited by colourwheel
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Imagine that wheel in space!!!.. Actually you may have something there, if you harness that energy in space, it would be endless and free sense the rotation would never stop, like a planet in orbit around the sun.

Edited by Thor.
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Imagine that wheel in space!!!.. Actually you may have something there, if you harness that energy in space, it would be endless and free sense the rotation would never stop, like a planet in orbit around the sun.


Thor, that was what I was talking about in my 1st post in this thread. Harnessing "Zero point energy" by creating small microscopic controlled vacuums on earth..... Imagine a black hole that is so tiny you couldn't see it. This can be done through means of using anti-matter which is beyond my understanding but we do have the current technologies to produce such things on earth in a controlled environments... I learned this when I was doing a research paper in college on perpetual motion...

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Remember back when Cerne was going to create microscopic black holes.


But the amount of power null void the potential for free energy, sense you would first have to create that black hole and sustain it with a external source.

A weightless environment in space using a simple force inertia is much easier. :yes:

Edited by Thor.
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Remember back when Cerne was going to create microscopic black holes.


But the amount of power null void the potential for free energy, sense you would first have to create that black hole and sustain it with a external source.

A weightless environment in space using a simple force inertia is much easier. :yes:

Forgetting your Newton... While you could theoretically create a flow of moving water in 0 gravity, that flow of water would not continue moving for ever even if left on its own since the flow of water would still be slowed down by the friction of moving against whatever surface you had, internal forces (heating or cooling) or just simply contact with whatever molecules might be present within containment. As soon as you obstructed this fluid in any way, such as a water wheel, magnets, or any other known means of getting energy from kinetic motion, you would be introducing a force counter to the inertia and would cause the flow to slow down even more.


The only way you can ever get energy from nothing is if you are producing more energy than you're putting in... And in those terms you have to also factor for the nuclear potential of any active substances. Solar energy is not really free since it is just absorbing energy from the sun that would have otherwise been wasted or absorbed inefficiently. Wind energy is not really free since it essentially slows down the wind speed converting this to rotational motion that drives a generator. Thorium Reactors is not really free energy since it still becomes dependent on those components necessary for that reaction, and outputs a changed substance. This is instead cheap energy, or energy utilizing natural forces, but not free. And in relation to energy from natural sources, it is impossible to know the impact of harvesting energy from them over the long term or if done in a significant way.

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Cold fusion, or atleast the only model that we know works with some merit isn't free energy either. It relies on a nuclear reaction from a fuel source, in this case hydrogen, nickel, and whatever they're using as a catalyzer. The energy comes from the molecular bonding that occurs in the reaction (as opposed to fission which is energy being released when existing bonds are broken) in the form of heat. That heat is then transferred (just like in fission) to heat water, to make steam, which drives a turbine. But, the cost of the whole thing is related to whatever fuel is used, compared to the waste product that it produces from the reaction (which has never really been mentioned).

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