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fc3_main.dat packing issue


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Hey guys !

I got an issue packing fc3_main.dat with Rick's Dunia's Tools.

Extracting fc3_main.dat is ok, editing is ok but i got an issue when packing it ! Its telling me that it can't access to fc3_main directory (Here is a screenshot).


I tried to :

- Put my unpacked fc3_main.dat folder directly in my hard-drive root like --> D:\fc3_main <--

- Change folder attributes using the console

but it don't change anything ...

My command call is :

D:\FarCry3bis\bin\Gibbed.Dunia2.Pack.exe "D:\FarCry3bis\fc3_main" "D:\FarCry3bis\data_win32\worlds\fc3_main" 

Did I do syntax mistake or something ?

Thx for reading and helping guys, cya soon !

Edit : To any admin, i tried to ask my question in a pretty similar thread but i didnt see that it was a really old one, apologise for that and it is possible to delete it ? Cheers.
Edited by OneTwoTestTest
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