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Darnified UI question


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This isn't so much of a problem as me just being curious, i've watched videos of new vegas such as alchestbreach's mod reviews or gopher's mod clinic and let's play of new vegas and i've always noticed that instead of weapon's DAM and DPS flashing between each other they are completly seperate with one being above the other. I've wondered for a while what mod chnaged that and i've recently heard that its darnified UI which does makes sense however I have and use the mod and I don't have that. This leads me to wonder if something went wrong while installing it or if its a feature you must enable via ini files. Can somebody tell me if this is true and if it is if somethign went wrong or if i need to enable it some how. I'm aware of the recent mod weapon stats veiwer that came out which does the same thing only better i just like being able to get a quick idea of how good a weapon is and then use something like WSV for if two weapons are very similar.

Edited by SS2394161
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