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Help with an annoying bug?


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When boarding ships, the misc quest (kill crew or leave ship) no longer starts, no enemies spawn, and nothing spawns in the captain's locker. I'm assuming the quest handles the crew and loot spawns, so something is wrong.


I did find this solution here, but I'd hate to lose all the progress I've made. It took me a while to catch on to this bug and realize how far back I'd have to revert my save to a point where it's fixed. Besides that, I'd prefer to figure out a way to fix it in case it rears its ugly head again.


The quest (ID is 98b4e) can't be reset via console commands, and setting the quest stage with commands also does not work. I've been experimenting with it today, checking out the difference between SQV (showquestvalues) commands on bugged saves vs unbugged ones, and they are identical until I board a ship. Then, the quest triggers properly and SQV prints out a nice list of all the variables relating to the enemy ship and its crew that make the quest work. This seems beyond my normal ability to debug broken Bethesda quests. I included the sqs findings that the console printed out for me, hand typed so forgive any errors, but all the values should be correct.


Any creation engine gurus know how to fix this without rolling back or just going to NG+? Thanks.


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From my own experience and from others who are experiencing this bug, the boarding quest works properly for non hostile ships that you're boarding/pirating. The quest is called 'BE_Objective', so I'm assuming BE stands for board enemy. At this point I've tried many combinations of setstage, resetquest, completequest at different stages of boarding enemy ships to try and get it unstuck, to no avail. It seems to be permanently linked to a ship I had previously boarded, hard to say exactly when, but I can go back to a save from before the bug started and the boarding quest will trigger properly. Frustrating stuff.

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