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Vampire and Werewolf Hybrid Mod Idea


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Earlier I was trying to figure out whether I should be a vampire or a werewolf. It was a hard decision and then i thought, why can't you just be both? I was thinking like the movie "Underworld" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0320691/) . It would be sick if someone made a new quest line where you don't have the worst weaknesses of either, but they are both extremely hostile toward you. There could be a new quest line, armors, weapons, and even a new follower. I figured I would share in case anyone was interested! Need more inspiration? Watch the movies and maybe you will get an idea (or just read the plot outline).

-New Quest (maybe an experiment gone wrong or you just get mixed up in some crazy situations and end up a vamp and wolf)

-New Follower(Choose between a Vamp or Werewolf follower, each has it's pros and cons)

-Allow equipping armor (Maybe a set of heavy and light armor for the creature.. idk just for looks maybe or only allow pants)

-Maybe a new balanced weapon that is cool and just for the hell of it.. there could also be an OP one for fun

I could go on but I am not sure if anyone will actually do this and I want their ideas over mine since it will be their mod...

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