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All in One Texture & Immersion mod.


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Is there a all in one texture mod for high end pc users wich also include immersion mods such as the "populated" "immersive weapons & armor" mods to make the game look more alive with flora and fauna and npc's.


I can't seem to find such a mod.

I tried several manual mods but the game tends to freeze randomly sometimes.

I switched of several mods to find the source but it keeps happening random.

And I want to play the game and not spend days/weeks/months beta testing my own setup.


So if there is a mod or someone has set of mods that do the trick and do not freeze nor crash I would be most gratefull.




Here is a list of an example of what I would love to see in 1 mod or at least something easy to install without any freezes or crashes.


SkyUI is a must as far as User Interface goes.


Well as far as textures go I need the best looking ones so either 2K or 4k even.

It may be a mix of realistic and fantasy or 1 of both.

I like the Realvision ENB.

But anything would do that would make the game better looking this is just an example.


I would love some extra weapons & armor too:

Immersive Armor

Immersive Weapons


New Worldmap textures like A Quality World Map - With Roads.


And some new body and face textures.

Since the men and especially the woman look ugly.

I can imagine a guy having a hard time finding a perfect wife in skyrim vanilla haha.

The Eyes of Beauty



Would also love some extra NPCs:

Interesting NPC's

Populated Land And Roads

Populated Cities Towns Villages

Populated Forts Towers Places

Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins

Populated Skyrim Civil War

Populated Skyrim Prison Cells

If compatible with above then also Immersive Patrols


Some extra blood texture for the fun of it:

Enhanced Blood Textures


And I would love cloaks in the game especially if NPC randomly wear them also for more immersion:

Cloaks of Skyrim

Winter is coming - Cloaks


I also love this horse mod:

Convenient Horses


These mods are also lovely and adds immersion:

Wet and Cold

Splash of Rain

Get Snowy

Burn, Freeze, Shock Effects

And some bird mods


I love flowers so I would love Skyrim Flora Overhaul


Some extra light like Lanters to still have light while combating in the darkness:

Wearable Lanterns


Some extra creatures is not a bad idea:

Skyrim Immersive Creatures





I would also love a way to see both weapons when dualwielding.

No idea why they didn't implent that in vanilla when dualwielding is officially supported.

That was the ugliest thing I noticed when I bought the game.

Didnt find a mod that does this yet.


If possible add Falskaar and other unofficial DLC wich are no beta or in any testing.




Thnx & regards,



Edited by Qionah
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Well, there are ENBs that make everything look very nice, and there are HD texture packs that hit pretty much all of the textures. I don't think I've seen immersion "packs" though. And I definitely haven't seen one that has both texture and immersion packs all in one. However, if there are I would like to use it as well. I have about 106 mods atm and a few all-in-one packs would really eliminate clutter lol

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Well, there are ENBs that make everything look very nice, and there are HD texture packs that hit pretty much all of the textures. I don't think I've seen immersion "packs" though. And I definitely haven't seen one that has both texture and immersion packs all in one. However, if there are I would like to use it as well. I have about 106 mods atm and a few all-in-one packs would really eliminate clutter lol


Yeah I did a fresh reinstall and installed Realvision ENB.

It looks really great!


It adds allot of new lakes, bridges, islands, trees etc etc.

Wich basicly screws up the NPC walk pattern.

So the moment I started a new vanilla start and came out of the cave Hadvar started walking the opposite way through the woods just bypassing the stones to choose a sign.

And the woods where so packed with beautifulliciousness that I lost track of Hadvar hahaha.

Too much Flora wich is great and nice but not if you are trying to follow someone without a quest marker on his head or something :D


Plus the game just randomly crashed for no reason.

I used TESEDIT but it encounters no issues.

The load orders are doubled checked also after using BOSS wich also doesnt really see any issues.

So I am basicly clueless.

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It most likely crashes due to the disruption of the walk patterns. It could also be a problem with cells not rendering correctly due to the added stuff in the environment, which makes it more difficult for it to load. The most I can suggest is to look around for other ENBs. Do you have any other mods that may add things like bridges, lakes, etc?

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It most likely crashes due to the disruption of the walk patterns. It could also be a problem with cells not rendering correctly due to the added stuff in the environment, which makes it more difficult for it to load. The most I can suggest is to look around for other ENBs. Do you have any other mods that may add things like bridges, lakes, etc?


No I just added every optional in http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30936/?

After the main installation.

The texture pack combiner seems nice but allot of work.

Hence why I look for something that is pre done?

Why doesnt someone just use Texture Pack Combiner and pack the results and make a mod out of it giving credit to all mods?

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Well that's an idea I would advocate. You could add choices for each mod in the pack that you can check or uncheck to suit your tastes while still getting the desired overall effects

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No, there is no such mod. But you could try Requiem(Massive Overhaul, including Immersion, no textures) in combanation with the Texture Pack Combiner(Still a bit of work to do).


Hmmm I thought lets try this TPC.

But a required mod is not available anymore due to the owner being banned.

Skyrim Realistic Overhaul


So that's not an option anymore unless anyone has those files

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